Example sentences of "they [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 George Wing had been with Hay ever since they met at 1660 Heavy Bomber Conversion Unit .
2 She was n't in the mood to cope with Kegan 's heavy playfulness , the sort of labored gallantry he produced whenever they met at official hospital functions .
3 Founded in 1764 , the Club was not ( as is often assumed ) Johnson 's brain-child : Boswell 's Life makes it clear that the idea came from Joshua Reynolds ; and once a week they met at seven in the evening , in the Turk 's Head , a Soho hostelry .
4 Finally naked , they gazed at one another in the muted light from the lamps placed either side of the bed .
5 They gazed at each other like a pair of fools .
6 They gazed at each other in silence , then Penry touched a finger to her lower lip .
7 I would add that camp is oft en also a turning of the second set of categories — theatricality , irony , and a sense of the absurdity of extreme feeling — onto the first , such that the latter — authenticity , intensity , the fierce assertion of extreme feeling — if they remain at all , do so in a transformed state .
8 But I would have thought that one lot of er papers would either have gone to the archives office or er been retained in the Advertiser if they amalgamated at some time .
9 and they sell at fifty four pence
10 Oh yes yeah outside yes and old programmes they sell at away matches , badges , season tickets as you might understand , but they , they are going to have a good day in April on the centenary day because they have it getting all the old players Tony says he , he 's been invited to attend as well and Gilbert I believe will be going and erm
11 They lived at first not far from Magdalene College in a house which looked across the river Cam to Midsummer Common .
12 They lived at 3 Windmill Street , Lad Lane , Deansgate , where William was born .
13 Brother and sister were not therefore reunited until later in that year when they lived at Windy Brow , Keswick — ‘ We find our own food .
14 ‘ What do they make at this place ? ’ asks the disapproving Greek matriarch when her grandson returns from work .
15 They booked into a hotel and Oliver suggested they eat at one of the restaurants in the old town .
16 Meltingly they eat at each other , like two carnivorous ice-creams .
17 Only recently has it been discovered that they come to these special places to gather specific minerals such as kaolin which neutralise the poison they have absorbed from the seeds they eat at this season of the year .
18 You 've got okay you 've got something like a six I do n't even know what time the train comes they change at different times , the one I 've caught was at five past nine train .
19 They argued at that time that pedestrian crossings of railways were perfectly safe .
20 They attacked at first light , their generals having made exactly the same mistake as ours the day before .
21 They attacked at 05.00 on 15 July , making slow progress through the tangled undergrowth and dense trees of the 155-a/67-ha wood .
22 They pecked at some dead creature on the moorland verge , squabbling over which of them should have it , wheeling and darting at each other like terrible shadows in the mist .
23 They leered at each other , then tittupped down the polished wood of the stairs , clutching the banisters .
24 This is not to say that the right and left are necessarily the same , but rather that they converge at key points and share an understanding of what is involved in the politics of ‘ race ’ .
25 A slightly more realistic approach recognizes that firms have life-cycles and that during different stages in their life-cycles they grow at different rates .
26 The articles were quite big at first , then got smaller until they were maybe only one or two paragraphs long , then they stopped at all .
27 The tranquil white-washed villages were a welcome relief and they stopped at small bars and quenched their thirst with local wine and spring water .
28 They shouted at Trudy to open the till but she could n't open it because it had jammed .
29 These signals may have been less predictive of the outcome because they occurred at higher frequencies at earlier stages in the conflicts .
30 They introduced ad hoc postulates , such as proposing that objects got shorter when they moved at high speeds .
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