Example sentences of "they [verb] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 It 's so , I mean , wake up Christmas morning and they put a tray out , the first thing they do on , the last thing at night , Christmas Eve they put a big tray out and on the tray they got it 's a called and they 're like chocolate biscuits , they 're like biscuits , right , and that gets with every member of the house , say there 's ten in that house , that that gets lined round the outside of the tray , right , and then inside of that 'll be now a circle of the wine , and then they have like whatever drink they got in the middle and the first thing that happens Christmas Eve morning is they get up and that gets poured and the tray goes round , if you sit down
2 Durham County Council say they did not know the source of the waste , nor the company responsible for dumping it , and they admitted it is too late to find out .
3 I hope they realized it was a joke .
4 They agreed it was inhuman .
5 In the end , they agreed it was in everyone 's interest to carry on working , and the show was not threatened .
6 erm many people came to Kuwait to work for a short term and after a while they realised it 's fine so they continued to stay there for a long time , and that is the haven that we were talking about .
7 But , of course , the devil finds work for idle hands , and they began thieving , acquiring all manner of things but particularly musical equipment When they realised it was mostly too hot to sell they thought maybe it was n't such a bad idea to learn how to play the stuff they had thieved .
8 ‘ And as soon as they realised it was an emergency , the offending drain was fitted with a plug . ’
9 Says Mike , ‘ When the chimps first saw the platform , they stared at it for a long time , and then they realised it was just me up there , and carried on . ’
10 ‘ They also broke into a similar car but appear to have lost interest in it when they realised it was a used model .
11 I took Tim to the match one Easter Monday they played Luton in league match , and Ted played , the old Ipswich player , and we go absolutely , it rained , hailed , blew , and we got home soaked to the skin you know , and er it seems to make you feel better if they win you know , but if you sort of put up with those sort of things and they , they lose it 's makes you feel right down in the dumps , but when they get promoted like they did last time it 's remarkable , it 's been remarked about this aspect , that people in local industry seem to work harder , and it seems to be a boost in general local traders make shop window displays and it seems to be a boost to the town in general and give a lift to the town if you like
12 I was gon na say , if they lose it 's I think a lot of it 'll be through the poll tax .
13 ‘ Do they think it 's too big a risk ? ’
14 Do they think it 's useless ?
15 Why then do they think it is so bad for parents and only those who can afford it paying a little extra to ensure their children get a well-funded education ?
16 Did n't they think it was cissy ?
17 Did they think it was wrong to kill and steal , or did they think it showed what good fighters they were ? "
18 Why did they think it was flat ?
19 If you do n't know what they mean i anything if you do n't know how to do it it 's hard but if you do n't even know what they mean it 's very hard to work out what 's going on is n't it and what you 're supposed to be doing .
20 They stopped it being watered down and prevented the part about combating discrimination from being taken out .
21 Many French politicians take for granted a Europe in which France shares a lead ; they sense it is at risk .
22 Do they know it 's Christmas ?
23 er we learnt from America that er a lot of birds that have been caught by cats , die , and everybody 's always assumed it 's shock but the Americans were doing some tests and they found it 's septicaemia from the cat 's teeth .
24 When they inspected the wicket , they found it being rolled by some prisoners from the local jail , one of whom looked familiar to Boycott .
25 So , as far as I can work it out , they found it was cool to go round to Wally 's and hang out , particularly as the school was only just round the corner from his place So they 'd sit there doing very little and getting bored .
26 Welling were originally told £2.70 , but when young Welling fans arrived for the match they found it was £3.90 .
27 when they found it was time to go back .
28 They found it was very active against two bacteria , Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis .
29 When the girls reached the lowest part of the road to Mellstock , they found it was flooded .
30 It was essential to recruit them over there before they arrived ; if they found it was getting too expensive to advertise and recruit well that was that . ’
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