Example sentences of "they [verb] that she " in BNC.

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1 If only they realized that she was under strain .
2 To her surprise , they agreed that she could continue to work for PW three days a week , leaving her two days to work on the business .
3 It was as if they realised that she was not for the rough and tumble of this world , like the aggressive women with shaggy hair styles who pushed their way through life thrusting their hard shopping baskets at defenceless men .
4 A herd of deer on the African plains may feed undisturbed when a lioness walks among them , if they perceive that she is only out for a stroll .
5 Equally regrettably , they suggest that she who ( presumably ) approved them is not so much a Pharisee as a Philistine : one , moreover , who has been impressed by too many drives down The Bishop 's Avenue , where Hampstead 's temples to new money are built , en route to the Finchley constituency .
6 It is , however , beyond doubt that the overwhelming majority of Cabinet ministers interviewed declared unequivocally that they believed that she could not win .
7 They claimed that she was not yet sixteen and so could not marry and hence had no right to be here .
8 I would hate to find myself part of any anti-Diana conspiracy , but it did cross my mind that some of her critics were right when they claimed that she deliberately sought to dominate family photographs .
9 They declared that she was insatiable and begged them all to participate .
10 They suspect that she may really be able to hear — but has been struck dumb by some sort of shock .
11 They suspect that she may really be able to hear — but has been struck dumb by some sort of shock .
12 There is no overt recognition that fat women do not have equal access to sexual relationships : however , if a fat woman 's friends never ask her whether she is attracted to someone , they assume that she is single because she is fat and that she is likely to remain without a lover .
13 But two cars took her out against and they believe that she 's gone to the airport and they did n't know where where she was excised .
14 She will probably welcome your offer of help with such matters as the registration of the death , notifying distant friends , putting an announcement of death in local or national newspapers if she wants this , and dealing with kindly enquiries from neighbours in a tactful way , so that they understand that she may not be feeling like having too many callers at first but will greatly appreciate their help and sympathy in a few days ' ( or weeks , ) time ; and making arrangements for the funeral and any family gathering that is to take place afterwards .
15 They feared that she would be seen as ( indeed is ) abrasive and lacking compassion .
16 They felt that she was out of their control .
17 I knew a family of five devoted daughters — all married — who took it in turns , when their father died , to stay with their widowed mother night and day , on a rota basis , for the years until she died , because they knew that she would not want to leave her own home .
18 Her last thought before she fell asleep was the reaction she would get if they knew that she had been out with a policeman .
19 They knew that she was n't going to marry any of them , she was n't going to marry an Italian like her aunts ' husbands .
20 They knew that she had money , and most of them saw no reason why they should n't go Dutch when they went out , and , until now , neither had she .
21 I do n't , I do n't think they knew that she was was his
22 No I think , I reckon that if you knew that the bloke was an easy pull , they would n't do it if they , if they knew they could n't get the girl cos otherwise it would be embarrassing for them , but if they knew that she was an easy pull they 'd do it for a joke .
23 They saw that she really wanted to change things at the factory , and everyone agreed with her that safety was very important .
24 For they meant that she was forced to spend the entire weekend in Jake 's company .
25 They insisted that she consult a psychiatrist and , fortunately , Laura had the strength to insist that it be a woman .
26 And if they thought that she was going to invite Colin and Yvonne in for a drink when they arrived they would get a shock .
27 She often shrewdly suspected that they found it hard work too , and that for all their signatures of fondest love they did not really like her ; they wanted her , they thought that she would do , but they did not really like her .
28 If they thought that she knew , they might let him go .
29 So whether the fact that they thought that she was a witch was maybe kind of half an excuse just for getting her out of the house I do n't know .
30 Mind you , you see in the long run they proved that she was
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