Example sentences of "they [verb] they all " in BNC.

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1 Kohl , Mitterrand , Bush , whoever happens to be this week 's Italian or Japanese prime minister — it does n't matter , they hate 'em all .
2 and they come round and they bring them all out to the front
3 Ah sure they bring them all back again .
4 erm he did n't think they had any bilingual signs and they did n't have they were n't using their Portakabins so they scrapped them all last year sold them off .
5 Why should they treat them all equally ?
6 City have had more than their fair share of great players : Gordon Banks , Peter Shilton , Gary Lineker , Alan Smith , Gary McAllister , Mike Newell — pity they sold 'em all !
7 All their special , you know , relics and that and they put them all in the cellars so when it was bombed , all the precio all the treasures and that were kept .
8 Cliff that 's why they did it , cos they put them all together .
9 There are fertilisers gone down the river and they kill them all off .
10 They give them all
11 as opposed to the , but , but some cupboard doors are diamond pattern , Muffin will you be quiet have we any more bones cooked for them or have they had them all ?
12 They are scarcely adult , some men : they wish women to understand them , and to that end they tell them all their secrets ; and then , when they are properly understood , they hate their women for understanding them .
13 They killed them all , sometimes with the most terrifying and prolonged torture .
14 Funny way they get them all the way out to the other side !
15 you see then they pulled them all down and built the ice rink there .
16 He did n't fancy Lizzy 's chances much if they decided they all wanted a bit of the action .
17 And as I recall as a child there were well over a hundred ponies down Pit at that time , because during the nineteen twenty one strike they brought them all up to the surface and put them in the fields and I used to go with my father to sort of look after them .
18 K. R. Whenever they had a raid on the Chinese gambling , they took them all in the cells and they all sent out for Chinese meals , and when they 'd all gone to the Main Bridewell in the middle of the night — ‘ 125 , scrub out ! ’ — and I had to take my tunic off and scrub out after the Chinese had been .
19 There was a lovely tree outside old Boots shop there they took all them away and put these little ones down the middle and I also brought it up when they did Weekday Cross they took the trees which had only been there a few years they took them all down and put put some others up some little twiggly things you know .
20 They keep them all under there .
21 They went they all joined
22 She says they bought them all from Birmingham — many are for weddings and rituals .
23 So they dissected them all with a fine-tooth comb getting mixed metaphors .
24 Er they had them all back like when the pits was nationalized , all these people who 'd been sacked you know got back on .
25 They pull them all out Mick !
26 ‘ I would have brought a copy away but they wanted them all .
27 They wanted them all back when I agreed to sell — at their price — but I said I 'd spilt coffee on some of them and thrown them away .
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