Example sentences of "they [verb] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 They met again over the years , too .
2 She drew in her head , shut the windows , pulled the heavy cream linen curtains , and switched on the lamps ; they glowed cheerfully over the primrose chair covers and the yellow silk bed quilt , upon which Adam lay naked .
3 Whereas they eventually came to some agreement over the various ‘ courses ’ , they argued vehemently over Elisabeth 's insistence that the recital should both begin and close with Strauss 's Morgen .
4 They argued angrily over who was the real ‘ Prince of Sleaze ’ for running commercials attacking the other 's honesty .
5 They twinkled all over the hull in patterns which raced backwards and forwards and disappeared .
6 When the hunters at the head of the column discover prey , they swarm all over it , cutting it apart .
7 If they discover a grasshopper or a beetle , they swarm all over it , sinking their jaws between the joints of its external skeleton and dismembering it with surgical precision .
8 They stopped just over the brow of a hill .
9 After a while the gentle rocking as they moved smoothly over the dark water , the beauty and romance of the night , began to work a subtle magic , and unconsciously she relaxed .
10 Crouched in the shadows , Scathach watched , but his eyes were on Tallis , not on her fingers as they moved swiftly over the charm .
11 They pee all over your garden though the Council provides toilets for them . ’
12 They dive all over the place .
13 They seed all over the place and have the morals of tom cats , so are found in every flower bed , skulking behind hedges , peering round gate posts , naturalising in any open space .
14 While most participants perceived the problem they differed somewhat over the matter of its resolution .
15 They do do a lot , they travel all over the country , er , and I think it 's a worthwhile thing , I mean , you see the kids dressed up smart .
16 They travel all over the North-East watching matches , marking pitches and putting nets up , entirely voluntary the only payment they get is a match ticket .
17 I mean they travel all over the world these people .
18 They landed well over the ditch and as Artemis gathered him up , she looked ahead and saw that hounds , her father and his huntsmen were all swinging right and heading towards a line of big hedges in the Vale .
19 ‘ Now remember , lads , ’ he briefed them as they scuttled purposefully over the rough rocky ground , ‘ this is n't some parasite we 're searching for , it 's a Chelonian officer .
20 For two perfect Sundays they scrambled side-by-side over the lichen-dappled rocks of the valley wall , the aquamarine sky above reflected in the ribbon of sea below them .
21 They quarrelled terribly over that .
22 So why are n't they crawling all over the place ? ’
23 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
24 yes , that 's the money supply and measures , the measures of money supply I 'm sure you 'll be okay you should beat what I got anyway , cos I saw it sort of cold I could see you were put into shits of boredom , they go totally over the top most of the time my parents
25 He said ; They go all over the world to Japan and the United States .
26 thing and her dad 's got a country and western music I mean he , they go all over the bloody place .
27 The pair of them loved searches , making us face the wall and spread our arms and legs as they felt all over us for some exciting trophy .
28 While Soviet , liberal and libertarian accounts each attribute a role of enormous importance to the intelligenty , they differ profoundly over the significance of that role .
29 They went right over the top .
30 They went right over the top .
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