Example sentences of "they [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The old by-streets now swarmed with passengers and vehicles of every kind ; the new streets that had stopped disheartened in the mud and wagon-ruts , formed towns within themselves , originating wholesome comforts and conveniences belonging to themselves , and never tried nor thought of until they sprung into existence .
2 But both Mr Cook and Mr Clarke also seemed determined to make up in duration what they lacked in originality .
3 Many rural taxpayers at £40 and upwards on goods were yeomen who made up in substance what they lacked in status .
4 And what about er Notts County 's name in Italy because obviously it 's th it 's the first football club in the world and er if legend is correct then Juventus took their kit from Notts County strip being black and white stripe so had they heard of Notts County before ?
5 Have they heard about babies and bathwater ?
6 Have they heard from Cara ?
7 Have you heard , has she heard from Ben , have they heard from Ben ?
8 They announced at Paris their intention to extend the range from 35ft ( 10.7m ) to 52ft ( 15.9m ) .
9 When the dashing Cigognes arrived they pounced with glee on the dispersed German planes flying up and down in the ‘ barrage ’ , tearing through it with impunity to shoot up the Drachen balloons , the vital eyes of the German artillery .
10 They pounced on Saturday , during Mr Yeltsin 's first absence from the Grand Kremlin Palace .
11 But the successful intervention of the communist Chinese in the Korean War proved to be the start of a period in which the British , while they clung of necessity to the Atlantic alliance , were often fearful of some impulsive or extreme action by the United States which would lead to an unnecessary intensification of East–West conflict and even , possibly , to the Third World War .
12 Paradoxically these works gain in subtlety of gesture and meaning as they gain in size .
13 On the other hand , what they gain in power they lose in speed and mobility .
14 It would be more effective to involve people by education , by making them part of the system so that they gain from helping , to give them a vested interest in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem and the wildlife around them — very much cheaper than a law force , WWF and CITES secretariats .
15 Particular controversy surrounded the disability scheme , known as WAO , under which 900,000 people ( or more than twice the number of unemployed ) , who were classified as too disabled to work , received 70 per cent of their last salary until they qualified for receipt of the state pension at 65 .
16 Quite often we have to encourage our younger executives to take more risks because their natural reaction , particularly if they qualified as accountants , is to be conservative . ’
17 The British penchant for shooting themselves in the foot emerged again when officials decided that professionals who resided and worked outside Britain were ineligible to play , although they qualified by birth .
18 PLO chairman Yassir Arafat was quoted in the Financial Times of Oct. 16 as telling US reporters that he was " consulted … day and night by phone " by Ashrawi and Husseini in Jerusalem and that , as they met with Baker in Washington on Oct. 10-11 , he was faxing them PLO endorsements of specific negotiating positions .
19 The mood of the meeting was adversely affected by President Roh Tae Woo 's forthcoming trip to the Soviet Union [ see p. 37918 ] , and by a series of confrontations involving journalists in the Northern delegation who made unauthorized visits to several of Seoul 's universities where they met with student radicals .
20 The eyes in the face expressed no surprise when they met with Gabriel 's , and winked .
21 At 32 Rue St Honoré , they met with Raymond Eddi , a distinguished Lebanese parliamentarian in exile , and Marcel Boutros , Aoun 's personal envoy , who invited Coleman to meet the general himself at the presidential palace in Baabda .
22 Simon stepped in after they met at Barcelona .
23 Yesterday they met at Swindon in the league .
24 They met at flats around London , avoiding Diana 's apartments at Kensington Palace or the lawyers ' offices in Gray 's Inn .
25 They met at university and have kept in touch ever since .
26 They met at Offham Hill , now the boundary of Lewes old racecourse , on 14 May 1264 .
27 They 've been together for fourteen years , they met at school .
28 When they met at work Rachel remained so cool with him that by the end of the week it was as if the little interlude in the pool and the club had never happened .
29 That night , Sunday , Mr Grant , the well-bred reverend gentleman they met at Cawdor manse , joined them , and Mr Keith the excise man , and they ate roasted kid ‘ which Dr Johnson had never tasted before .
30 Liverpool boss Graeme Souness shows off his heart-operation scar to his old Scotland team-mate Gordon Strachan when they met at Wembley on Charity Shield day .
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