Example sentences of "they [vb base] made [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 've made hectic visits to Brussels registering your interests and meeting with those with greatest influence in the E C institutions .
2 So they 've made cheap labour .
3 And the gardens they 've made , they 've made beautiful and do you know they 've had permission to use the old name .
4 So I 'd like to reflect that against what the government has done since our unique November conference they have cut the Health and Safety Executive 's budget for nineteen ninety three ninety four by five percent , that 's a total of thirteen million pounds the Department of Employment have already admitted this will lead to less inspections and less prosecutions they have introduced a market tex market testing exercise into the H S E in other words they 're saying what parts of the Health and Safety Executive can be privatized into , no doubt , their friends in industry they have made sure that Health that the Health and Safety Commission will work slower in the future by making the chair which is currently a full-time post a part-time post from September this year .
5 To display their collection of everything from Islamic ceramics to the Russian Avant-garde they have made substantial long-term loans as well as opening their own museums .
6 They have made extensive criticisms of its gender biases .
7 These attempts have drawn very little on mainstream psychological theory , but they have made extensive and creative use of psychoanalysis .
8 These purchase notice provisions are restricted to owner occupiers of houses and small businesses who can show that they have made reasonable attempts to sell their property but have found it impossible to do so except at a substantially depreciated price because of certain defined planning actions .
9 Move them to the cold outside world when they have made strong roots .
10 And down river now they have made vast new docks and an oil terminal .
11 They have made interesting and occasionally convincing criticisms , but they have totally failed to suggest an alternative future for this country .
12 Moderator the erm overture which we passed into an act er in the last sentence of section three says the names of such children , that 's those children who have been admitted to erm communion as children , shall be admitted to the communion roll of the congregation when they have made public profession of their faith that is , when they reach the point at which they make that normal statement and the my understanding would be people whose names are on the communion roll .
13 But they have made startling progress since they started last November .
14 The available for work condition is interpreted to mean immediately available , and women have to demonstrate that they have made adequate arrangements for the care of dependants .
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