Example sentences of "they [vb base] out their " in BNC.

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1 Probably many of them are , as they carve out their living in those dangerous neighbourhoods .
2 They act out their role in a number of scenarios with an actor , such as meeting for the first time , attracting the man 's attention , and putting him off the trail .
3 they look out their window and see us you know
4 There will be little change in the employment situation , despite signs that the cold economic climate is thawing , said the MPs as they set out their Budget hopes .
5 They set out their bedrolls and crouched round the flames , except for the unfortunate Rimir who had first watch .
6 I listened carefully to my hon. Friends , and especially my hon. Friend the Member for Sherwood ( Mr. Stewart ) , when they set out their ideas for extending and expanding the work that I have described in the affected areas .
7 It is a combat zone which they concede to the predators until morning , when they drive out their cattle again past sleeping lions and strangely reticent hyena .
8 At depth they feed out their umbilicals and swim to the work site .
9 Sustainable development will have value if it provides politicians with a non-threatening idea to hang on to while they sort out their approach to the problems created by climate change .
10 It is for someone to support the person whilst they try to unravel their thoughts in such a way that it becomes clear that they can say anything , no matter how bizarre or odd it sounds , because that will be the way they sort out their feelings in order to cope with them .
11 I suggest they tire out their bodies as well as their brains by doing more physical work .
12 They live out their business lives well , never become millionaires but they are solid citizens . ’
13 They live out their lonely existence entirely within the individual sufferer .
14 All move about in huge foraging columns , but each species is active during a different period of the day or night an so they share out their environment over time .
15 ENGLAND 'S top mens squash players could lose their rankings and be barred from the national team if they carry out their threat to boycott next month 's National Championships in protest at low prize money .
16 The expatriates need facts on how to look for property in the new country , the hotel and transport allowances payable while they carry out their search and any time constraints attached to their property hunting .
17 Managers are not themselves subject to these processes , and so in order to ensure that they carry out their duties efficiently , it is contended that they should be given the incentive of performance-linked pay .
18 The recent Toyne Report ‘ Environmental Responsibility , An Agenda for Further and Higher Education ’ , commissioned by the DoE and the Welsh Office states , ‘ Everybody has some scope for doing his or her job in a more environmentally responsible way , and needs to understand the importance of this … but may well need more than this , either because they have been given specific responsibilities within their organisation , or simply because their organisation 's environmental impact is heavily dependent on the way they carry out their day-to-day tasks , and on the decisions which they have to take . ’
19 They stick out their tongue and snap at any insect which flies by .
20 But basically they dish out their awards in accordance with strata of society — influential architect Richard Rogers got a knighthood — rather than genuine appreciation for the good the recipients have done their country .
21 went in there with a twenty cigarette box erm two twenty cigarette boxes yeah ? like when you see cigarette and they pull out their fag , have you got a cigarette and hold out the box forty two cigarettes .
22 When they plan out their policies for the future , may they keep the interests of humanity at heart .
23 For instance , I eavesdrop on men 's mumbles in restaurants , as they work out their seductions or deals .
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