Example sentences of "they [vb past] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Early this year they announced that they had found the 17 keV neutrino again , with a far greater degree of sensitivity than any previous experiment .
2 The reason for the move is that Phil took redundancy from BP when they announced that they were closing their Glasgow office and has since found a job with a Swedish oil company in London .
3 The Minister of State , Scottish Office , shakes his head , but he knows that the Government conceded this point when they announced that they would allow colleges to anticipate up to 10 per cent .
4 Blaming the low turnout on bad weather and a lack of public awareness of the issues , they announced that they would seek another such vote in October .
5 But in that horrendous final game with France in Paris they revealed that they could , after all , manage to plumb even greater depths of ineptitude .
6 In the announcement of their forthcoming System 7 software they revealed that they were moving towards the concept of using outline fonts to generate the screen displays and that they were developing their own proprietary format , then known as Royal but subsequently re-named TrueType .
7 The this problem with the detector , it 's another level of subcontracting down and er if you you 're buying a piece of equipment of this kind from a a consortium er essentially you ca n't dictate to him precisely who he 's going to use to supply the components for that system and er it is the problem came to the notice of officials when the consortium came forward and and said look , we we 've got these terms in our contract er concerning detection range and so on and er we may not be able to meet those , er so we questioned the reasons and then of course they revealed that they were having problems with the supplier .
8 They revealed that they fired more than 200 rounds at the hijacked car , killing the three men inside , who were wearing boilersuits and balaclava helmets .
9 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
10 The next day , they admitted that they had miscounted and that ‘ in the period June 27-August 9 … the numbers of persons detained for the whole range of offences connected with public order were loyalists 468 ; republicans 427 ’ .
11 When questioned on the radio , they admitted that their policy was to talk about the issue .
12 He then went on to discuss whether an employee could use his recollection of any features of the plaintiff 's plant , machinery or process which they claimed were peculiar to them even though they admitted that their competitors used similar machinery .
13 Although almost all of them enjoyed supervising house officers , they admitted that there was little formal teaching ( as opposed to learning by apprenticeship ) and that they had not been trained to provide such teaching .
14 It is in any case debatable whether the College could have survived in the face of such rapid growth in the private sector ; their lawsuits against usurping trade diminished once they realized that they had priced themselves out of the market and had little extra to offer than the trade apart from kudos and tradition .
15 By the application of good marine logic — tasting the water and finding it salty , then making sure the ebb — and flood-tides were of equal strength ( both tests which argued against this body of water being a river ) they realized that they had , indeed , discovered the way through .
16 because they realized that they needed it to invent something to fall in to what they 've already got .
17 Perhaps once he 'd gone they realized that they were better off without him .
18 Trade unionists knew that they could only achieve a limited level of their ambitions through industrial means and they realized that they needed working class MPs to support them in parliament .
19 Having lost their serfs , they realized that they would have to alter not only the basis on which they conducted their money-raising activities , but also perhaps the activities themselves .
20 They realized that he was speaking .
21 Then they beat him with the pipes once again , but when they realized that he had managed to keep his secrets from them , that this small Englishman was not for talking , they turned on him in their fury and kicked and beat him until they feared they had killed him .
22 The scene was filmed , but the problems started when they realized that it would not be possible for them to be lowered to the ground , as planned .
23 Pupils reached the point where they could say that they realized that someone — namely their teachers and their tutors — knew them very well .
24 If only they realized that she was under strain .
25 They agreed that they must seal off this inner courtyard and all within it , and sift through the trapped folk .
26 They agreed that they did .
27 In particular they agreed that they had entered into private compensation deals with their larger investors , in contravention of a voluntary self-regulation agreement imposed by the government in December 1989 after the Recruit scandal [ for which see pp. 36463-64 ; 36589 ] , paying a total of 43,500 million yen ( about US$315,000,000 ) to 78 clients between March 1990 and March 1991 , to make up for trading losses resulting from their investment advice .
28 After an amicable wrangle , they agreed that they would get dressed and go shopping together .
29 The shorter prologue of Lex Salica states that With God 's help it pleased the Franks and their nobility and they agreed that they ought to prohibit all escalations of quarrels for the preservation of enthusiasm for peace among themselves ; and because they excelled other neighbouring peoples by force of arms , so they should excel them in legal authority , with the result that criminal cases might be concluded in a manner appropriate to the type of complaint .
30 The Japanese Foreign Minister Michio Watanabe and his Russian counterpart , Andrei Kozyrev , held cordial discussions in New York City on Sept. 23 in which they agreed that their deputies should resume talks over the disputed territories at the earliest possible opportunity , as a means of paving the way for a rescheduling of the Yeltsin visit .
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