Example sentences of "they [vb past] her [conj] " in BNC.

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1 so she 's er , she 's waiting for 'em to come to do that , anyway she 's er , somebody rang her did n't they and they asked her if she 'd have a little boy of four months old , Thursdays and Fridays all day and she started this week with him , so I said well Pauline
2 Actually erm Barbara took , went with her niece to , for the audition and er what I 'm not sure of , a a and Barbara got on and her niece did n't , what I 'm not sure is whether , when she went down , she was thinking that , of sort of er an audition for herself or whether they approached her because apparently they , they do n't get too many of the senior people .
3 They promised her that the reign of terror would be over before the year was out .
4 Like elderly kiddies at a play they did not understand yet knew to be important , they regarded her as she stood behind the gate .
5 just so that they found her but she was unconscious .
6 Across the moors they pursued her until at last , near the North Cornish coast , they caught her and urged her to chose between them .
7 As she has a deeply freckled skin , they believed her and she was sent to do hard labour in the paddy fields .
8 They told her that if she did they would outcast her .
9 They told her that she could n't have her own flat until she was eighteen .
10 Prince Charles never offered to help and when , in desperation , she contacted the press office at Buckingham Palace , they told her that she was on her own .
11 The police had apologized for the incident as if they were personally to blame , their apologies becoming even more profuse as they told her that , without a number plate ( which she had been unable to remember ) to trace , there was little chance of them finding the car , let alone the driver .
12 Within limits , Laura was prepared to accept their comments , if , for example , they told her that brown sold better than blue .
13 They told her that they would respond , but they have not done so .
14 Now , they told her that you see .
15 But when the village people arrived at church they noticed her and started whispering to each other .
16 Knowing she had to support herself , they paid her while she trained at the Manchester school .
17 Bits yes well Georgina round the corner apparently she has the lot new , because the bank moved them and they paid her and it was over four hundred pounds .
18 The lectures laid on at the Sorbonne were of an abysmal simplicity , and given by lecturers who grossly though understandably underestimated their audience : they bored her as she had not been bored by work for years .
19 Others might say they hated her and mean it .
20 The twins were demanding — in the first few years she thought she would go mad from lack of sleep and overwork — but at least they touched her and hugged her and kissed her and loved her .
21 ( It did not always go this way : sometimes they sulked and abused her , sometimes they threatened her and one another , sometimes they would not attend class . )
22 But they took her away instead and she was in gaol for a day and a night ; they released her because the State of Emergency ( 1960 ) which allowed the government to detain political prisoners without charge , had not yet been legally declared .
23 She loved it because there were children of her own age , of every age , and they adored her because she was such a pretty baby to spoil .
24 They kissed her and all had another glass of fizz before Charles started the dreary journey back to Willesden on the Underground .
25 They followed her and looked where she pointed , through a gap in the yews .
26 She did n't understand why she had been taken from them when they loved her and wanted to keep her .
27 She opened her eyes to the darkness , a darkness too often populated before sleep by those familiar , reproachful , childish faces , brown , black and white , bending over her , asking why she had deserted them when they loved her and thought that she had loved them .
28 They reassured her that she looked beautiful , and she knew they had bought the dress for her .
29 " They grabbed her and threatened her .
30 They raped her and took her away and forced her to marry one of them .
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