Example sentences of "they [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They flung each other off and stared for an instant , each of them aware that he was known , each conscious that this recognition made many things plain .
2 He writes that people ‘ choose ’ yakhtaru ) members of committees ( see chapter I , ‘ Popular congresses and people 's committees ’ ) ; but everyone else called these choosings ‘ elections ’ ( intikhab ) : older people had experience , younger ones the tradition of elections under the monarchy ; and they assimilated these procedures .
3 Derry were the better side at Gortakeegan for the first minutes they squandered several chances to kill off newcomers Monaghan and paid the penalty when the home side clawed their way back to force an equaliser .
4 But it may be that , as men of little social consequence , they lacked that sensitivity to personal relationships on which the aristocratic society of the tenth and eleventh centuries had depended ; for the newcomers , what was sauce for the goose was likely to be sauce for the gander .
5 Their attention wandered and they lacked any discipline to learn . ’
6 German software products company SAP AG , Walldorf , and Microsoft Corp have scheduled a press conference in Munich today , at which they are expected to announce ‘ something beyond ’ the agreement to put SAP 's R/2 and R/3 suites up under Windows NT , which they announced this week .
7 If they failed another night in the open would probably be Hugh 's last .
8 If they failed another night in the open would probably be Hugh 's last .
9 Indeed , when Jessica had locked her car with all the others at the Moira roundabout — travel-sharing , she assumed , hardheaded Ulstermen saving on the petrol — Rory had walked up to her and kissed her lightly on the mouth as if they owned each other .
10 it was , it was Romana 's mum and dad , I think they owned that row of houses and the shop
11 They owned this kind of enclave on the coast just outside Ajaccio — like a kind of tourist village — that 's where they kept the women , really , while they were away on business .
12 But however enthusiastically they cultivated this aura , Australians were bound to feel themselves second-class citizens .
13 The Pims dashed around all parts of the aquarium having brief but energetic skirmishes when they met each other , but no actual physical damage was suffered from the skirmishes .
14 But if they met each other , Lewis … ?
15 When they met this month , Mr Kohl made it clear that he wanted an agreement on EMU that does not oblige Britain to accept a single currency before it is ready to do so .
16 They met several times more up to 1985 , but seem to have remained in touch until the last few months of Ceauşescu 's rule .
17 Although they met several times a day and were on good terms , the chief superintendent always felt uncomfortable in the commander 's presence : he was an earnest , church-going man who never laughed , never drank , never swore and rarely showed emotion .
18 They met some girlfriends of Jessica 's , and ended up having cakes and coffee and a laugh .
19 By 0900hrs the Japanese were back to raid other specified targets , this time they met some opposition in the air , several American fighters were now airborne but the pilots had no combat experience so the Japanese had the advantage .
20 They met some time in ‘ thirty-eight , I gather .
21 The four categories of need chosen by the Authority varied considerably in the extent to which they met these conditions , at both LEA and school level .
22 Ronnie Cairns , a fluent Japanese speaker who acted as interpreter , said : ‘ They met these boys in Botanic Gardens and were chatted up .
23 They must have gone a good two miles before they met another car .
24 Within minutes they met another flight : Richards and Gabriel .
25 do you suppose they got that name because she was always
26 I was hoping when they got that link road through they might connect up , but I do n't suppose it , sort of roads got ta put parking towards the long piece of
27 They weighed up the prospect of knocking on the door and members of the jury , you have to consider in due course whether they got that act right .
28 And once they got that section all set , they started to cut the next in .
29 They got that sort of marble stuff .
30 They got all duvets and covers and
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