Example sentences of "they [vb past] [prep] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The nurses here wrote down every day on Stephen 's chart how many hours he had cried , but neither Sloan nor Dr Turner turned a hair when they looked at that on the chart ; all they cared about was the weight curve .
2 All they cared about was drink .
3 Soon the dandelions came , all they cared about was blooming , getting their white clocks and blowing their babies far away .
4 What they believed in was purity .
5 ‘ Scientific ’ tests for cognition can be conducted not on social groups and individuals as such , with all the political implications that involves , but on a newly constructed , asocial category of ‘ literates ’ and ‘ non-literates ’ , as though the culture they belonged to were incidental .
6 I happen to know , from a friend of mine , that Robert Trivers , long before he was the great evolutionary biologist he is today , when he was an illustrator of children 's books , argued the whole thing to and fro with a friend of mine who was a Freudian analyist and he tells me that in the beginning all they talked about was Freud .
7 What they pleaded for was further experimentation and what they hoped was that the new techniques and acting styles could be extended to other types of films .
8 ‘ One song they went for was ‘ Space Time ’ .
9 The result of these rules of practice was that the English set up colonies only in places where it was relatively easy to do so , at first because the places they went to were thinly populated , then because political disintegration in India enabled them to advance there , and because in the last phase of imperial expansion they had the sort of technological superiority needed for bringing most African rulers under their control .
10 I mean the schools they went to were n't er were n't really what I was used to you know .
11 In the second bay starting from the western end , northern side and up to the gangway , was H. Webb 's black gang , so called because everything they dealt with was black in colour .
12 I soon established that the ‘ jabbering ’ they spoke of was none other than classical Greek , of which this portly figure had an exact command .
13 What they spoke with was a machine ,
14 ‘ I do n't mean lucky that your mother and father died , but if they had to was n't it great you did n't go somewhere awful ? ’
15 Unfortunately , the only pot-bellied old man they ran into was clutching a plastic container of meths , and our heroes could n't quite sink to such a Lollapalooza level of debauchery …
16 What they hoped for was a future that Swindon would begin , then get league racing and that it would go on forever .
17 Today 's world was one in which five-pound notes gushed benignly from the walls of banks at the touch of a button , in which people had only to scribble their names and anything they wished for was theirs ; a world in which — as she had seen on a television programme — unimaginable sums of money flew about the globe at the whim of shirt-sleeved young men who sat tapping idly at keyboards .
18 The one they stood at was made of heavy chain-link , stretched between towering concrete posts that were spaced fifteen metres apart .
19 The table they sat at was wrought iron , with a bright brass guard-rail running round the top of it , more of a danger to glasses than anything else .
20 It was not that his plan of fighting from room to room was not working … on the contrary , it was working to perfection : every room they retired from was crammed with dead and dying sepoys .
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