Example sentences of "from [v-ing] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 We were just watching 4 What It 's Worth about all those people who go on holiday to the sunny Mediterranean , having booked a sea view , and come back with gastroenteritis from living over the dustbins and now want their money back , when Elinor came running up the garden path closely followed by Nigel .
2 After that , the framework of garden size and the plant 's neighbours constrains the subject from spilling over the edges .
3 It 's like that wire-mesh barrier thing — the one he told me about — the one that stops boats at the last moment from going over the weir .
4 Almost as many men died behind the lines as did from going over the top , an old sergeant told Charlie , and it did n't help to know that the Germans were suffering the same problems a few hundred yards away .
5 The absence of lamellipodia tallies with another observation : when we grafted a small patch of embryonic skin onto a denuded region of the limb bud surface , we found that the grafted epidermis , far from expanding over the adjacent vacant territory , actually retracted , leaving its own mesenchyme exposed .
6 The most that can be achieved by the summit is to keep the Community from toppling over the edge .
7 In this case , subsistence requirements could still be met from cotton income , but as there appears to be no clearly demonstrated link between cash crop promotion and improvements in food crops to make up for the shortfall in the cropping area that results from giving over the land to cash crops , the issue of food security must be raised .
8 And Dr Frome was clearly not willing to smooth over the terrible event , to refrain from raking over the coals .
9 This prevents the muzzle from slipping over the ferret 's nose .
10 Other safety factors to consider are the provision of side restraints in the form of a low wall or balustrade , to prevent anyone from falling over the side edges of the steps .
11 He pulled the drapes back , and it helped a little — the mixed twilight and yellow sodium light would at least be enough to prevent Alison from falling over the bag in the middle of the floor .
12 The work of Peter Townsend and others showed that , far from presiding over the elimination of poverty , the Wilson Government actually failed to prevent some of its features from worsening ( Townsend and Bosanquet , 1972 ) .
13 Similarly , a plate with a slight rim prevents food from sliding over the edge too easily .
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