Example sentences of "from [v-ing] into a " in BNC.

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1 This prevents your VHF from transmitting into a frequency that is already occupied , even if the other transmission has started only microseconds before your PTT is pressed .
2 As he tried to stop the helicopter from going into a spin , it travelled further than he planned because he 'd mistaken the direction of the wind .
3 In a manifesto issued in August 1337 Edward accused Philip of aiding the Scots and committing acts of war in support of England 's enemies , and a pre-emptive strike against France seemed the most effective way of preventing the Franco-Scottish alliance from growing into an ever more serious threat to England .
4 VIABILITY — to what degree will the revenue gained from selling into a segment offset the total cost involved ?
5 As long as the hole remains clear of debris , if a pipe should split , air leaking into the system through the hole should limit any mess and prevent an accident from turning into a catastrophe .
6 It may stop your dream from turning into a nightmare .
7 Do n't be fooled by the hugely entertaining test in South Africa — it was only the brilliance of Australia that stopped this show piece game — played under the new laws — from turning into a shambles , says STEPHEN JONES ( Sunday Times ) .
8 In the event the plot ratio proved to be one of the major devices whereby the city was prevented from turning into a miniature New York ( Cherry and Penny , 1986 ) .
9 Millions of Nosema club together to mass-produce juvenile hormone in the beetle larva 's body , thereby preventing it from turning into an adult .
10 ‘ All partners are technically self-employed but in order to prevent them from getting into a frightful mess we deduct a percentage from their drawings , so there is something put aside for tax .
11 About the worst error you can make in an appraisal interview , apart from getting into a direct confrontation and violent argument , is to slip imperceptibly into being defensive .
12 reverse the order of the columns and listen to each pair of sentences ( helps flexibility and keeps you from getting into a rut )
13 This might be in the long-term interests of English football , if the FA exercised their authority to discourage greedy club chairmen from out-shouting moderate colleagues , and so prevent acceptable reform from deteriorating into a reckless gold rush .
14 The club was prevented from deteriorating into a post-decadent state by the presence of the pianist , Mike Mackenzie , who kept the thread of respectability throughout .
15 In an emergency this may prevent a dog from straying into a potentially dangerous situation , for example if you should suddenly encounter riders on horseback when you are out for a walk along a narrow path .
16 Indeed the vendor community has successfully prevented the supply side of the industry from descending into a free-for-all by effectively staking out their respective territories and more or less sticking to them , Rothstein argues .
17 Leonora took out sweaters and shirts and underwear , putting them away with a vague feeling of trespass which failed to keep her from peeping into a folding leather picture frame lying at the bottom of the suitcase .
18 The question then is whether a State party to the first treaty can prevent another treaty party from entering into a later treaty from which it is excluded , but which would conflict with the first treaty .
19 In both the United Kingdom and Ireland an international agreement has no effect in municipal law unless it has been incorporated by legislation ; therefore in neither State could individuals use this provision to bring a legal action to prevent their government from entering into a new or modified agreement .
20 In this case Brightman J decided that trustees who held most of the shares in a company were negligent when they failed to prevent the directors of the company from entering into a highly speculative property development project , which turned out to be unsuccessful .
21 No rule of law or the profession , therefore , prevents him from entering into a contract by which he undertakes not to act for a specified class of person .
22 Similarly , science fiction motifs give way in this novel to fantasy elements which maintain it at one remove from realism but prevent it from falling into a generic category .
23 De Klerk stressed the need for " built-in guarantees and mechanisms which would prevent South Africa from falling into a one-party state or being delivered into the hands of an irrational dictator " .
24 The visitors hustled and harried Alton , preventing them from settling into a rhythm and Alton , lacking the inspiration of the previous week , could find no ideas to counter them .
25 His approach , however , was more flexible than that of his father and grandfather ; except perhaps in his clash with Archbishop Stratford he showed a surer political touch , and by his readiness to make concessions on many of the issues raised by the commons he prevented the political crisis from escalating into a full-scale assault on royal government in the manner of 1310–11 .
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