Example sentences of "from [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 Its call sign — ‘ This is the Voice of Peace , broadcasting from somewhere in the Mediterranean ’ — is familiar to millions of listeners .
2 From somewhere in the capital , by our intrepid reporter : The dog dirt injected into my pulsing thighs by a beautiful buck-naked half-robot half-Samoan woman was finally starting to take effect .
3 From somewhere in the back Cecilia could hear that sound she had never been able to identify and had not liked to ask about , a regular screeching as made by a bird in a zoo .
4 But from somewhere in the fog of received wisdom and what passed for it , struggling to be heard above the sound of cracking whips , a persistent and unrepentant voice relayed a subversive message .
5 From somewhere in the darkness , Sophie made little , stricken noises , all on an indrawn breath .
6 From somewhere in the lower regions of the house , laughter told Beth that Luther Reynolds was still awake .
7 Either the salt would sting into a cut or raw spot on my body , bringing back bodily feeling in one fell swoop , or else , from somewhere in the bowels of building , my ears , questing for the remotest of stimuli , would pick up on the sound of a toilet being flushed , or perhaps a trolley banging against a wall .
8 ‘ You ca n't go down to Lucifer , ’ Miles said from somewhere in the refectory .
9 From somewhere in the house she heard a sound and to cover it spoke again .
10 There was a scream from somewhere in the house ; the chatter of voices quietened briefly and he could sense heads turning to the open door leading from the room .
11 The girl had arrived from somewhere in the north early in the season .
12 mewing for me from somewhere in the room .
13 The family came from somewhere in the West Country .
14 Her finely shaped brows met in dark disapproval as she watched him pick at the lock with a thin piece of wire that he had produced from somewhere in the depths of his pocket .
15 From somewhere in the house came a faint , high-pitched hum .
16 His evidence was the migration of the water hen ( Tribonyx ventralis ) , which arrived in enormous numbers in November from somewhere in the north , and returned again after only two or three months .
17 The mirror was full of a huge white-shirted arm coming from somewhere in the back seat to encircle my throat .
18 From somewhere in the house came the rattle of teacups on a tray .
19 With the briefest of intros emanating from somewhere in the swathe of dry ice , The Bunnymen arrived to polite applause and tore into a set devoid of any material dating back to the days of Ian McCulloch .
20 It never showed any sign of collapsing from within in the way that the governing regimes did in 1659 – 60 and 1688 .
21 Nor does the evidence of a renewed upsurge of potentially revolutionary protest from below in the immediate pre-war years suggest that this source of their inhibition would fade with time .
22 With a not overlong flying display that runs from 2pm in the afternoon until 6pm in the evening , plenty of time is available to roam among the aircraft parks and view whatever is the viewer 's fancy .
23 ‘ I suppose that 's from above in the Marina , ’ Boxer commented .
24 The only answer was a low shout of many voices from outside in the distance , coming closer .
25 Another door led into the cellar from outside in the yard , and that too was kept locked .
26 But it is the husband who is responsible for paying it and who must acquire the money from outside in the first place .
27 While we were talking , from outside in the courtyard there came the sudden sound of excited shouting .
28 At Sunbury , XTP 's activities are directed towards helping the business add value by early and expert use of technology — much of which originates from outside in the contractors , competitors , and at BPX sites .
29 The Box Office at the Holywell Music Room will be open from 10a.m. in the five Sundays when concerts are taking place there .
30 Lifting the white towelling robe from its hook behind the door , she slipped it on and hurried from the room and along the balcony to find him , smiling when she heard the low rumble of his deep voice coming from downstairs in the living-room .
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