Example sentences of "from [adv] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From now on that is n't me . ’
2 From now on that 's what they 'll do .
3 It 's a question of what happens from now on that 's very important .
4 Instead , from now on all ‘ heroes ' deaths ’ were placed in the newspapers under a uniform heading at the top of the columns , reading : ‘ For Führer , People , and Reich gave their lives … ’
5 From now on all the covers will be the mock-up version . ’
6 From here onwards , all streams drain in the direction of the marching fee : eastwards to the ultimate destination which induces a feeling of optimism that from now on all will be downhill and easy — sadly , a delusion .
7 ‘ Oh , one day , quite a few years ago ’ — Kalchu 's tone was flat with resignation — ‘ the Bazaar police came , issuing orders that from now on all firearms must be licensed .
8 From now on all aircrew went through either a full conversion course or a short refresher course .
9 From now on this distinction was central to distinguishing between legacies and trusts ; and it is the one that finds its way into Isidore 's book of etymologies .
10 The simple statistical confirmation that the majority of them were from 1984 onwards — and probably from that particular Friday , though one can not be certain — in the skies above the Pacific Ocean was ( for me and I suspect for most who came to know ) the first and final affirmation that from now on this part of the world was the centre of things .
11 ‘ I 'm glad to hear you say that , because from now on this is your home . ’
12 From now on those involved will have to pay up or face committal proceedings , which ultimately means time in prison , ’ she said .
13 William and Andrew Smith invented an ingenious machine for printing tartan paper and from then on many of the products were partly or wholly covered with the paper , making them unique in the souvenir trade at that time .
14 The Pollexton dynasty had finished by 1747 , and from then on various relations spurned Mothecome until eventually they sold it at the end of the eighteenth century to a Mildmay forbear .
15 From then on damper conditions once more prevailed and the recrudescence of peat formation covered much of the Fens , the deposit forming today the main upper peat .
16 From then on one campaign has followed another with that special brand of humour , insight and warmth — call it GUINNESSNESS .
17 From then on all legal powers , etc. , were held in the name of the Commission and not by the individual executives .
18 From then on all the white items of clothing sold in the US were made in Kentucky .
19 From then on great preparations were made .
20 From then on United were in command .
21 In 1792 , however , Lewis was elected surveyor to Christ 's Hospital and in the following year he was appointed to the corresponding post at the Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals ; and from then on these institutional responsibilities appear to have formed the principal element in his career .
22 But as a result of the September shipment one hostage , Benjamin Weir , came out , and from then on American misgivings were countered by another thought : the scheme had worked .
23 From then on idle chit-chat returned and I made no attempt to direct things back to what I believed were more important matters .
24 From then on conservation work on the Firefly was stepped-up with three more volunteers joining Ken and Herbie .
25 Paul VI was from then on unable to identify himself with the ‘ progressives ’ in a way he had managed hitherto .
26 This time however , PR machine wheels oiled in advance , fully-briefed paparazzi lay in wait at Heathrow , and from then on menacing minders followed Kylie 's every delicate footstep .
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