Example sentences of "from [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I can now speak from experience and say that it 's much easier to spend a day at the office than it is to spend a day at home , and you have the benefit of spending ‘ quality time ’ with your baby at evenings and weekends .
2 Various ideas have been put forward ; though , they are not from drain or flue brushes .
3 An ignorant motorist is likely , therefore , to absolve the garage from responsibility and pay it further to rectify these new faults .
4 Thus , the aim with most patients should be to move eventually from assessment and support into a problem-solving approach as described in Chapter 5 .
5 This is a typical landscape of ancient enclosure , as Marshall rightly observes , of fields taken in direct from woodland and waste in medieval times , such as we find in Devon , Sussex and the other peripheral counties of England .
6 Our aim was to limit any potential toxicity from absorption and allow the possibility of doubling the dose with enemas twice daily should this be required in clinical use .
7 Under such circumstances , the golden rule to maximize social welfare is to equalize the marginal utility from income and set the pattern of income distribution to conform to this .
8 Just about every attitude a human can hold is , somewhere , held towards pigs — from revulsion and ridicule to , in Papua New Guinea , something like motherly love ( they still get eaten , though ) .
9 Only new investment will provide the kick-start needed to escape from recession and reduce the waste of talent and energy which results from unemployment .
10 14–5–1844 " The Session considering that James Gibson , under process for the crime of fornication , ( with Ann Darroch ) , has submitted to the discipline of the Church , appeared publically and been rebuked before the congregation , and hoping from the professions he now makes , as well as the readiness with which he submitted to discipline , that he is penitent , do now absolve him from censure and admit him to the enjoyment of privileges . "
11 This can be a serious problem in the urban fringe where farmers also suffer from vandalism and trespass as the result of proximity to built up areas .
12 What was needed was a foraging inside-forward who could pick up passes from defence and create scoring chances for the other forwards .
13 If such extra-curricula activities were well organised , they could be useful and educational , but they should not detract from study or emphasise the ‘ get rich quick ’ ideology .
14 We need to find refrigerants that are completely free from chlorine and do not cause other environmental problems such as contributing to global warming .
15 Day Four : This morning you may wish to take a break from cycling and take a wander around the town of Hilversum .
16 We can recommend Turner Engineering on 0342 834713 who supply them from stock or try the advertisers in LRO yellow pages .
17 Rural people in most countries suffer from isolation and lack a sense of solidarity or the opportunity to influence decision making . ’
18 Her brother had joined the fundamentalists , and was putting pressure on the family to withdraw her from college and marry his friend Sharif .
19 Remove from tin and decorate with whipped cream and caramel shapes just before serving .
20 An integrated transport policy which gives priority to government funding of public transport is also recommended , as is increased research and education , more accountability from industry and support for the " polluter pays " principle .
21 A lot of people retire from industry and spend a great deal of effort on these activities .
22 All this was ‘ played ’ to a backdrop of police ejecting incensed supporters from terrace and stand .
23 I wrench the steering-wheel back from uncertainty and thrash on up the hill .
24 But , unusually , the venture will do everything from research and design through to manufacture compared with the now notorious ‘ screwdriver ’ assembly-only factories set up by many foreign investors in Britain .
25 While lesser managers permit their secretaries to gossip , back-bite , return late from lunch and produce sloppy memos , the Profitboss knows how to get the best out of his secretary .
26 The colonies were encouraged to co-operate as actively as possible with British forces by promises of payments to cover the military costs , apart from clothing and pay , of any forces they could raise to support troops sent from Britain .
27 So he can not cast off the argument from error and rely entirely on the conditional theory to show that K aq is here false .
28 I joined the Lord 's Taverners and took part in charity matches alongside many well-known names from sport and show business .
29 For a start only about thirty or so take part , since it is organised in four-ball teams , with one professional , a celebrity who is normally from sport or show business , and two amateurs .
30 As part of the Society 's work to protect children from abuse and neglect a national NSPCC Child Protection Help Line is being launched in the Spring of 1991 .
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