Example sentences of "from that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
2 made a Lady , or made I mean she was given that title , or actually I 'm dead against the fact it was her husband who was given the title , erm but to abstract away from that at the moment , somebody who 's been in public service all their lives and who 's devoted much of their life to the cause of the people , I mean I realize that an awful lot of people would think that Margaret Thatcher has n't done that , but let's say that , for the sake of the argument , that at least that 's what she intended for the time being
3 The masonry suspension tower on the English bank is of different design from that on the Scottish side .
4 The lifestyle and surroundings are no different from that on the mainland .
5 From about 1360 onwards , English development of Gothic architecture began to diverge from that on the Continent and the Perpendicular style was evolved .
6 It tends to run with a period different from that of a solar day !
7 As a result of the Married Women 's Property Act 1882 , and later Acts , the capacity of a married woman to own property , to make contracts , and to incur liability for torts was different from that of a man .
8 But in general the position of an alien in private law does not differ substantially from that of a British citizen .
9 Since the late 1940s the Queen Mother had been the darling of National Hunt racing : it was largely her enthusiasm for the sport that raised its status from that of a poor relation to the Flat to , by the mid-1950s , a position of near equality — in popularity if not in the prize money available .
10 At times the care they received seemed very far from that of a reasonable concerned parent .
11 It was a very different beauty from that of a 1930 's Alden ketch or a clipper-bowed Herreshof schooner so admired by the traditionalists .
12 In many ways the term ‘ one-parent family ’ is a misleading shorthand for a variety of situations ; from that of a never married mother of 19 , to that of a widowed mother of 55 .
13 Larger family size alone usually made for a very different situation from that of a grandchild brought up alone by a grandparent today .
14 His expressions range from that of a contented Cheshire Cat , to a somewhat frenetic frown .
15 We are very sympathetic to Auction purchases regardless of the somewhat daunting differences from that of a Private Treaty sale .
16 Incidentally , in the eighteenth century Lord Darlington had a herd of Galloway-type cattle ‘ finely globed with red and white ’ , while in 1821 William Cobbett described the herd of Lord Caernarvon at Highclere , Hampshire , as white hornless ‘ Galways ’ with black or red spots varying in size from that of a plate to that of a crown piece , and some without spots .
17 To some extent local factors come into the situation — the fine-tuning , for a village in what was Wessex will be different from that of a similar place in the former Danelaw or Northumbrian areas .
18 He scouts Chapman 's explanation on the grounds that aerodynamic forces change the trajectory of the ball from that of a perfect parabola and that would ruin the results of calculation based on the tangent .
19 Why has the LDDC changed the presentation of itself from that of a ‘ yuppie ’ development agency to an inner city concern ‘ working for the community ’ ?
20 Nevertheless , despite the weaker Merseyside economy , MDC has undoubtedly succeeded in transforming the docklands ' image from that of a decaying twilight zone into a popular and fashionable urban environment .
21 It has after all become a commonplace that the creative imagination of the philosopher , mathematician or scientist is not much different from that of a prophet or poet ; what distinguishes him is how he treats his findings in retrospect .
22 A pregnant woman is very obviously a different shape from her non-pregnant sister , and the beauty of a young girl has quite another quality from that of a mature woman .
23 initially the embryo of any other mammal ( such as a cat ) is hard to distinguish from that of a human being , and only later do the necessary differences appear — this would seem to reflect the processes involved in divergent evolution
24 How , for example , might a sociologist 's account of ‘ reactions to child abuse ’ differ from that of a well-informed journalist ?
25 Althusser therefore concludes that Marx 's concept of contradiction is inseparable from that of a social whole , and borrows a Freudian term to describe the relations between various states of affairs .
26 But more vexing still was why it should be that particular face , of all those in her memory 's catalogue , she 'd chosen to configure from that of a perfect stranger .
27 And as with Rembrandt we can watch his face and figure change , in countless paintings , prints and drawings , from that of a young to that of an old man .
28 The political context for investors there has shifted from that of a favoured frontline position on the Western side of the Bamboo Curtain in the 1950s to that of an emergent player in a dynamic , economically important region in the 1980s .
29 A child who had been taught to pray to a Mother in Heaven would have a religious life radically different from that of a Christian child .
30 The for of a law differs from that of a psalm .
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