Example sentences of "from any [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Market entry is thus possible from any location in Germany .
2 I certainly have not received any communication from any individual in my ward in favour of hunting .
3 Although the hammock episode is explicable in terms of his experience , the subsequent transition to drifting above the ground can not reasonably be related to his usual fate when falling out of the hammock ; these dreams , which are not uncommon , seem uniquely detached from any experience in real life .
4 But the bonding between an infant and his or her family is so strong that within a few days , as in the case of Marie and her partner Peter , you are convinced you know your own baby from any other in the world .
5 Closer at hand they were apt to be still more astonished at the castle they saw , for this was different from any other in the land .
6 One type of evidence comes in very much larger quantities from Charles 's kingdom than from any other in the ninth century : capitularies — that is , lists of points ( capitula literally means " headings " ) discussed and/or adopted as law by assemblies where king and aristocracy met to settle public affairs .
7 For Trotsky the Soviet bureaucracy was little different from any other in its regulatory functions , its maintenance of social ranks and ‘ its exploitation of the state apparatus for personal goals ’ ( Trotsky 1936 , p. 248 ) .
8 My Lords , in view of the terms of the letter from the Crown Prosecution Service I am satisfied that the Crown Prosecution Service can not profit from any disclosures in the present proceedings .
9 Ten cases of ‘ bad luck ’ in a row is something I would n't accept from any driver in the world .
10 The policy covers theft from any building in which the Policyholder or a member of his family is living or employed .
11 They imply that the state — and groups within it — have their own interests which may be pursued separately from any changes in the structures of British capitalism .
12 In some cases the State conducting the investigation ( by virtue of being the State of occurrence ) sought only to exonerate the services ( chiefly air traffic control and navigational services ) from any involvement in the cause of the accident while at the same time being content to attribute the cause of the accident to some shortcoming on the part of the pilots without seeking to find out why they made such mistakes .
13 With the death of Olybrius and the appointment of Julius Nepos the Burgundians under Chilperic found themselves in opposition to the emperor ; presumably they withdrew from any involvement in the defence of the Auvergne .
14 there is much to see from any window in England if only the viewer is prepared to try and understand it .
15 Denholm was totally unfitted to be a naval officer of any kind and his highly defective eyesight should have led to his automatic disbarment from any navy in the world .
16 Notwithstanding anything herein contained or the completion of the Lease nothing in this agreement shall release the Landlord from any liability in respect of defects appearing in the Works due to bad or faulty workmanship or design or materials provided notice of the same shall have been given to the Landlord by the Tenant or its successors in title before the expiration of the period of [ 6 ] years from the date hereof and upon receipt of such notice the Landlord shall forthwith take such action as may be necessary to remedy the defects at its own expense with all possible expedition
17 However , if the repurchase price contained in the options is the market value at the date of exercise , it is probable that the buyer acquires both the opportunity to benefit from any increase in the value of the asset and the risk of loss due to an adverse change in its value .
18 For the investor to benefit from any increase in the value of a company it is essential for a market to exist for the shares .
19 But stocks and shares have the potential of earning quite a high income for the holder , not only in terms of the dividends paid out of the firms ' profits , but also in terms of the capital gain from any increase in the shares ' prices .
20 A further dose should be given to the pups at two months old , to eliminate any infection acquired from the milk of the dam or from any increase in faecal egg output by the dam in the weeks following whelping .
21 Not surprisingly , the steep climb to the inner ward at the top is rewarded by possibly the most stunning views from any castle in England — to the west the Welsh mountains , to the east the Pennines and , on a clear day , the Wrekin to the south east .
22 Students may be supervised from any department in the Social Sciences Faculty , enabling a variety of perspectives .
23 Nor is it a weighted argument to suggest that when teachers find that their school may be blackballed in future schemes of co-operation with other local schools they might not notice if in fact they had felt little practical benefit from any co-operation in the past .
24 An infallible belief would be justified but would not derive its justification from any relation in which it stood to other beliefs ; it would not need any support from elsewhere .
25 Across the whole end of the building , stretching from the ceiling down into the river , was a curtain of linked metal like thick over-sized chicken wire , presumably originally installed to keep thieves away from any boat in the dock .
26 It is clear also that there can be an iteration back from any stage in the process to any previous one as views get modified during the change process .
27 It was also obvious that the Vietminh were running rings around the rather remote and ineffectual nationalist parties who had appeared , as it were , as returning émigrés in the baggage train of the occupying Chinese armies : although nominal partners in the great enterprise of securing national independence the nationalists were in reality excluded from any partnership in a coalition government .
28 This enables it to send video , audio and data from any point in the UK , via satellite , to closed groups of users .
29 The structure of a graph is such that it will allow checking and searching of pathways between letters from any point in it , in either direction .
30 It means that , theoretically , evolution can jump , in a single generation , from any point in Biomorph Land to any other .
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