Example sentences of "from him as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Trent felt the knowledge drawn from him as their eyes met .
2 Henry had always assumed that this was due , on her part , to an entirely natural physical repugnance for him ; she moved away from him as one might move away from a bad smell or a dangerous horse .
3 A story which I heard from Dad about his days at Charlton-All-Saints brought a chuckle from him as he told it but , at the time , the occasion must have been almost tragic .
4 Adam was there , the violence draining from him as he stared round .
5 The questions tumbled from him as he went hand in hand with Beth , down the stairs and into the kitchen , where Peggy was soon caught up in the excitement .
6 Down here he was kwai again , trusting to his instincts as kwai , and , as if sensing this , men moved back from him as he passed .
7 The hoarse exclamation was wrenched from him as he parted her trembling thighs , slid his fingers higher to roughly , urgently widen her body to accommodate his strength .
8 ‘ Are n't you forgetting you think I 'm your brother-in-law 's woman ? ’ she said , shrinking from him as he turned a look of such anger on her that she shuddered .
9 She pretended to be engrossed in exploring the room , and managed to keep a foot or so away from him as he followed , making her uncomfortably aware of the wall of his body close behind her while she ran her hands over the antique furniture with an assumed interest .
10 Disturbed , Maria turned away from him as he began buttoning his shirt .
11 She heard the shaken sigh that was torn from him as he brought her body up against the length of his , and the urge to go on fighting him faded as she grasped at fresh knowledge , accepting the fact that this was entirely mutual .
12 She saw that she must do exactly that — run away from him as he had suggested , but as far away as she could go !
13 Benjamin and I stayed well away from him as he consulted with Dacourt and Clinton .
14 It was n't just the overwhelming sense of power that seemed to emanate from him as he stood there , it was something in the startlingly blue eyes which raked her slender figure and delicate features with an intensity that almost took her breath away .
15 Dad 's first name was George , and he had already made it clear on several occasions that when Granpa retired he had no intention of taking over from him as he did n't want to leave his mates on the docks .
16 I wanted to get far away from him as I could .
17 Both sides of the House could and should support most of its provisions , but where improvements are necessary we shall be pressing them on the Minister , and I hope that we shall receive as fair a hearing from him as I have tried to give his Bill this afternoon .
18 She backed away quickly and stood as far from him as she could , cringing like a dog , her tail clamped down hard , her nostrils dilated with fear .
19 Though she was huddled in the corner as far from him as she could get , the car was n't very big , and every time they went round a corner his thigh and shoulder pressed against hers .
20 She 'd taken as much from him as she was going to .
21 Paige sat up , half turning from him as she dragged the sides of her shirt together .
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