Example sentences of "from it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The contractors did not block them up , and when the reservoir was filled the water from it burst through the old shafts and flooded A's mines .
2 An object can not be seen unless light reflected from it passes through the eye on to the retina and the brain receives the impulses transmitted from the retina via the optic nerve .
3 The power chair hummed back and forth as if the mechanical subhuman was advancing towards its argument , then retreating ; and the scrimshaws hanging from it rattled like a sorcerer 's skirt of juju bones .
4 The ash raining down from it added to the misery of the people in the area — the Sir Robert Sale reported lumps the size of pumpkins falling on her decks , and she was at least forty kilometres distant .
5 It was a lucky punch , but Pascoe stepped back from it gulping after breath , and Singer followed , swinging his arms in the hope of connecting again .
6 ‘ I 'd escape from it riding like the wind on a champion racehorse , ’ Roger replied .
7 One million people are missing from it according to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
8 Intruders broke into a garage and used tools from it to break into a bungalow .
9 I translated as well as I could a Scottish strath with its green basin , and the heather slopes rising from it lost to rabbits and sheep and rock .
10 For example , I perceive this flower in front of me because light which has been reflected from it impinges on my retina and causes trains of nerve impulses to travel along the visual pathways to the visual cortex .
11 Only a blind will-to-exist fills the universe , and the only salvation from it lies in the surrender of the individual will through self-denial .
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