Example sentences of "from we and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Sergeant stood fifty yards away from us and made us repeat those two lines again and again until our voices were hoarse ; as our singing got worse , he became more and more frustrated and threw stones at us .
2 Wilkerson took the cartons from us and looked me straight in the eye .
3 Or we may be determined to catch a horse that does n't want to be caught ; and if we feel it strongly enough , the horse seems to feel our determination too , and suddenly stops running away from us and agrees to being haltered .
4 He had just turned away from us and read a book .
5 Swiftly , now , before the deep-freezers , the dehydrators and the emulsifiers take the syllabub away from us and return it transformed and forever despoiled , let us discover how it was made in its heyday and what we can do to recapture something of its pristine charm .
6 In their encounter with Xorandor , Jip and Zab discover a race that is radically ‘ other ’ to their own conception of life , a race that , though voiceless , and apparently powerless , nevertheless surpasses humankind in cognitive capacity : ‘ … their life-purpose , their survival kit , seems to have depended on silence — not to each other but towards us , though they learnt from us and went beyond us ’ ( 192 ) .
7 Macready and his group turned away from us and drifted up towards the darkened area near the roof before disappearing through a doorway .
8 As far as the trade was concerned we tried to , and still try to , do whatever makes it easiest for them to order books from us and sell them .
9 In other words if the estate agent or medical practice will get a phone call from us and say look we 'd like to do your assignment is it convenient .
10 They converged beneath the priests barely ten feet from us and settled on the bottom in a relaxed Stygian knot .
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