Example sentences of "but every now [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Fussell is a past master of gallows humour ; but every now and then one can laugh without any sense of guilt , usually when senior officers are being mocked .
2 But every now and again it 's jolly nice to go out and have an absolutely top-class meal in a super restaurant , ’ he adds with relish .
3 Our pilot was said to be the best on the river , but every now and then there was a shudder as we touched a sandbank ; and there was so little water coming down from Aswan that we only squeezed through the lock at Nag Hammadi by all the passengers crowding into the bows of the Nefertari , while her crew hauled on ropes , chanting a shanty that might have been sung on the sunboats of the pharaohs .
4 The birds had fallen silent , but every now and then there were rustling noises in the undergrowth as creatures , disturbed by their passing , scrambled to cover .
5 Primaflora appeared wholly unruffled , but every now and then someone in royal livery would appear in the yard and go away again .
6 The fish is eating well , but every now and again it goes to the surface , collects a mouthful of air and then returns quickly to the bottom , chewing and releasing air at the same time .
7 It was odd when he came to think about it , but every now and again one or two of them would be posted , yet the five men who had accompanied him from Cranwell , and whose beds were at the far end of the hut , were still here .
8 But every now and then some patient managed to break through the mental barrier erected by training , habit , and self-defence .
9 It was not that each child was continually talking but every now and then a child would speak to his neighbour or another would leave his place quietly and walk over to another child to speak with him .
10 I shook my head and bent back to my work , but every now and again , as I was writing or just thinking , a niggling little side-track thought would distract me , and I 'd find myself remembering Janice 's words , and wondering what exactly Uncle Rory might have hidden within his later work ( if he really had hidden anything ) .
11 People will tell you there 's normality here and there is , but every now and then an abnormal thing happens which is quite horrific .
12 It 's a funny thing but every now and again she slips through here into the lounge and sits by the fire for a few minutes .
13 But every now and then , his eyes slid over to look at me , almost as if he did n't want them to , but could n't help it .
14 Well they 're not common but every now and again we see someone who looks like they 've got a straightforward problem that does n't get better .
15 Keyboard , mouse and joystick are supported , but every now and then the planes seem to do their own thing !
16 But every now and then his plain-speaking style and his political passion come together : as , for example , when he switches between a dry , self-indulgent debate in the US Congress about Contra Aid and a graphic evocation of the atrocities committed by those Contras in Nicaraguan villages .
17 Young doctors were usually only too willing to take advice , but every now and again you got one like this lad , who clearly was all at sea and did n't know how to light the flares !
18 but every now and then we get something with a special offer on which we 're getting the Kelloggs cornflake bowls at the moment .
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