Example sentences of "but because i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I was unable to share his joy , not particularly because my home team had been held to a draw , but because I fell headlong into the tent , throwing a pan of boiling rice everywhere .
2 My sister ate , but I refused , not out of sacrifice nor because I was resisting temptation ( I firmly believed that meat would make me ill , as my mother said ) , but because I knew — though this formulation is the adult 's rather than the ten-year old 's — that the price of the meal was condemnation of my mother 's oddness , and I was n't having that .
3 Not because I wanted to go back to my childhood but because I had a deep , healthy interest in finding out a bit more about what was happening while I was growing up .
4 This was not because I did n't want to dance but because I had not yet learned how to do it properly .
5 Not because I thought I should have been picked there were at least 15 guys playing better than me but because I had n't performed as I felt I should have done .
6 But you must believe that I kept you here not because I wanted to , but because I believed it my duty to those whom God ( or , well , the Company anyway ) has placed in my care .
7 If I decided to play in it , it would not be because of $50,000 but because I felt better .
8 I lit another cigarette from the stub of the first ( unheard-of for me ) — not because I wanted it but because I felt it might give an illusion of poise to walk into the Presence with a cigarette dangling carelessly from my lips .
9 I linked both books to the theme of ‘ Outsiders ’ , not because of the title but because I felt both books told the story of two lives lived on the edge of society .
10 I was banned , however , not because I am a convicted criminal , I think — like the unfortunate Simon Hayward — but because I wanted to wear a false nose out of consideration for the feeling of my associate , Mark Chapman , who , as I explained last week , has just had an inch and a half lopped off his .
11 ‘ So tell me about the twins , ’ I said , not because I was interested , but because I wanted the senator to talk while I dreamed up a strategy to turn down his request .
12 I rejected womanhood , not because I preferred manhood , but because I preferred girlhood .
13 Of course , if I had obeyed the rule strictly , I would n't have had any problems , but because I did n't want to knit the next row I thought I could move both cams .
14 Always , though , whether immediately or eventually , she would acquiesce , and I resented her acquiescence , not only because of its consequences for myself , but because I did n't understand why she , an adult , would not or could not stand up to him .
15 But because I did n't tell my mother I was coming here , I could n't get my British passport .
16 I wanted no children of my own , not because I disliked them , although I did — my step-sister and brother were the only small children I had experience of and they aroused no feelings in me but exasperation and distaste — but because I did n't want to be a mother with the weight of life and death on me .
17 But , instead of that digress a little but because I did n't think you 'd like the dog roses .
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