Example sentences of "but now [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Real-time applications used to require coding exclusively in assembly language whereas the house keeping tasks could be coded in C. But now that the practices of software engineering are coming to bear on DSP projects , the emphasis is on a system approach ensuring quality becomes an intrinsic aspect of design .
2 But now that the patience of the exchange markets is exhausted and Mr Lawson finds he is unable to raise base rates any more , the chickens are coming home to roost .
3 But now that the Nineties are in full swing , has anyone out there discovered that the phones have stopped jangling , their Filofax is miraculously blank , or the traffic clogging our roads has withered to a trickle ?
4 In June Berne will swap its traditional open-outcry system for telephone trading ; but now that the big banks will no longer deal there in stocks quoted elsewhere , its future looks dim .
5 But now that the truth is out on both sides , they are surely singularly out of place .
6 But now that the worst of the weather is behind us and the days are drawing out , you should have a chance to catch up .
7 But now that the tour will go ahead , the players will leave for Delhi three days after Christmas as originally planned .
8 His father had taught him that these must be suppressed , but now that the old attorney was dead Paul felt free to become himself ; what that might mean was not yet clear to him .
9 But now that the resort is quieter and cleaner , it more than compensates for the lack of clothes bargains .
10 But now that the boys are at school , she can concentrate on improving her own skills around the twisting track marked out by red and white truck-tyre barriers .
11 But now that the GLC was about to be abolished and GLEB was in trouble , the paper , with Horsley 's enthusiastic support , decided to move to Manchester .
12 But now that the road to peace in Cambodia once more looks at risk , the country needs the world 's attention again .
13 But now that the population is no longer growing , increases in GNP will have to rely almost entirely on rising productivity — and during the 1970s and 1980s productivity grew , on average , by only 3% a year .
14 But now that the North Sea is open too the members of the EEC , the saithe , which is popular especially in France and Germany , is being fished heavily .
15 The US Federal Trade Commission 's investigation of Microsoft Corp has had an air of unreality about it , with few people imagining that it will come to anything very much or lead to any significant change in the market , but now that the thing may be coming to a climax , what are the possible outcomes ?
16 All through our time at Canjuers , through the days of rain and abscesses on our hands , mud and sleeping in sodden clothes , we had dreamed of the moment when we would be able to walk into a cakeshop or bar and be able to buy what we wanted , but now that the choice was available , we did nothing about it .
17 But now that the human misery of the transition is over and forgotten , and now that we see modern Peterborough , we may perhaps be grateful to the Cecils for the feudal obstinacy which kept their town from growing , and preserved it for our pleasure today .
18 But now that the question has ceased to be one of recognition , the theoretical possibility of rebuttal must exist .
19 But now that the opportunity had arisen , it was necessary for them to try .
20 I thought that I would scratch out the pictures , but now that the woman has seen them they are not mine any more .
21 It was bad enough when Edward Hyde was only an unknown name , but now that the lawyer knew something about Hyde , the will worried him more than ever .
22 Her mind throbs , but now that the Power is flowing fully she can , with barely a waver of concentration , think of other things .
23 He had carried her along on the groundswell of his own forceful personality , but now that the ride was over she had time to wonder if she 'd done the right thing .
24 As a mature student I found it difficult at first to work on my own or in groups but now that the course is settling down , I feel that I will be able to tackle most tasks in business because we have had to learn to look for information and assimilate it so that we make it work for us .
25 But now that the experiment seems bound to happen , one way or another , its becoming part of life , something to enjoy , if one can , or to suffer , if things go wrong .
26 I suppose it 's inevitable at a time like this , but now that the Inquiry has been set up my firm advice to everybody is er stop propagating rumours and er give any information which you think is relevant to the Inquiry .
27 In the thickest part of the forest she felt secure , later when the sun was higher and they had eaten they would have to move on , but now while the others were sleeping she did what she had scarcely ever done before — she set herself to think .
28 The U V F which is now a much larger terrorist organization has responded by killing catholics and there 's tremendous fear now in both communities , there used to be just fear in the protestant communities , they were being attacked by the I R A , but now as the Cardinal has said there 's very big fear in the catholic community as well .
29 Comedy had always been anti-establishment but now if the Progressives were happy to see shyster lawyers , pompous and hypocritical capitalists , and venal politicians then so much the better .
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