Example sentences of "but when i look " in BNC.

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1 But when I looked over those I had kept , I decided I could not do so .
2 Though the landscape was flat , it seemed , both visually and from the effort it was taking to move the wheelbarrow , that I was continually walking up a hill , but when I looked back , it was as if I had just walked down one .
3 A tourist probably dropped it , I thought , but when I looked closer there were more of them , far too many to have been left by a traveller .
4 But when I looked a bit closer , I saw they were advertising gigs that were happening there next week . ’
5 But when I looked in the ZZAP !
6 ‘ The guides claimed to have taken us to the edge of the Sahara but when I looked on a map it was the Atlas mountains , the bastards . ’
7 But when I looked down , I saw the board was all made of bones and wire ; and I screamed and you said , " Swim — everybody swim " ; and then I was looking for you everywhere and trying to drag you out of a hole in the bank .
8 But when I looked up , I saw , to my great astonishment , a large island in the sky , between me and the sun .
9 ‘ That 's just what I said to myself when I woke up this morning , but when I looked on the floor , there was the veil , torn in two halves ! ’
10 But when I looked round , there he was , half-way towards me with the knife in his right hand !
11 But when I looked again at the taut group riveted to the game , now not even speaking , I had my doubts .
12 I pushed them away with a shudder , but when I looked up I saw , lying on a shelf opposite , an infant or Cupid carved in black marble .
13 But when I looked … nothing !
14 But when I looked over the edge there was no sign of him , or of the river — only the mist swirling .
15 But when I looked at the date , my father could only have been about twelve year old you see , when these letters were written so it must have been my grandfather writing to Coventry and Birmingham for parts for the penny farthing bicycles which he worked on .
16 But when I looked up and saw you , all I could think of was holding you , kissing you — ’
17 Good progress was made on the Saturday but when I looked at what still remained for Sunday , I thought we 'd do well to finish half the distance .
18 But when I looked up I saw I was underneath a car .
19 ‘ I pushed the pram to the top of the street I was afraid they were following me but when I looked round there was nobody there so I just ran to my mum 's . ’
20 I went there one Sunday , I thought we 'll have a meal but when I looked I said no chance !
21 The thing that , you see I was going to send off for a pair of gloves cos I ca n't find my thermal , but when I looked on and saw all the bits and bobs of paper that come , there was n't erm , little slip you get with a pound off , for postage and packing , which I 've been getting recently have n't you ? for erm
22 An O S one to fifty thousand and that 's what I thought I 'd picked up this morning to take with me but when I looked it was Chester and Wrexham so it did n't do me much good .
23 I imagine he is impressed and that he will invite us for a coffee after , but when I look again he is gone .
24 But when I look back , I think it 's this path that 's been ploughed for me .
25 This sounds logical , but when I look at the Sega or Nintendo where there 's no piracy , you still have to pay a fortune for one single game .
26 But when I look ahead up the white road
27 I wrote a lot about gay politics during the seventies , including a book on it , but when I look back on it , I do n't actually talk about sex at all .
28 But when I look at what I 've written , I feel it 's not all there .
29 But when I look back when I think about it it probably ke kept us out of mischief you know .
30 ‘ I thought I no longer felt anything for you , but when I look into your eyes …
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