Example sentences of "but a [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Not the Sacred Heart sort Mother Bernie and his Auntie Ethel tended to go for , but a post-Renaissance Rembrandt Christ , serene but human .
2 It is an old one but a first UK publication .
3 But a new EC directive is in danger of denying our support for some of the most exciting organic wines .
4 VAUX DURHAM COAST LEAGUE SUNDERLAND footballer Richard Ord is still missing from Murton 's side but a former Roker Park employee makes his debut in today 's home game against Easington .
5 Wiring up plugs is something we all have to do , but a recent MORI survey suggests that almost half of British adults are unlikely to carry out the job correctly .
6 I had heard stories about a failed invasion attempt in 1940 , but a Russian NCO insisted that the Germans had planned some sort of operation against Churchill in a remote part of Norfolk in the autumn of 1943 .
7 But a beleaguered Ferguson will bend the rules to give both their debuts by waiving admission charges at Gigg Lane against Sheffield United reserves .
8 No longer Mira , but a shining Belle
9 An attempt , therefore , by Siward to possess not only Lothian but a divided Alba itself .
10 Malt deliveries were affected by reduced consumption of both beer and whisky in 1992 , but a good UK malting barley crop and the devaluation of sterling have helped 1993 exports .
11 But a defiant Woosnam , who won the individual crown in 1987 and again last year , added : ‘ I wanted that third title very badly , and I 'll keep coming back until I beat Nicklaus 's record . ’
12 But a defiant Wilkinson said : ‘ We have had a few days of mourning after the European Cup defeat , but this match gives us another route back into Europe and we know how important it is to stay on it . ’
13 But a cautious McHale yesterday refused to be drawn on Ford 's chances of landing a contract for next season .
14 But a cautious Mr Major made plain his concern that British troops might be taken hostage by guerrillas if the West goes into action .
15 But a hard-sliding Rickey Henderson forced Jays second baseman , Nelson Liriano , into throwing past first base , allowing two runs .
16 But a leading Jehovah 's Witness claimed tonight that other treatments are available which do n't break the rules of their faith .
17 But a united Germany would get militaristic .
18 Taking it , Mike hit the post , but a hovering Patrick Lombard slammed it in .
19 But a senior Kuwait delegate claimed his country had offered the other ministers a compromise on the tough quota demands it made when the meeting started but said the proposal were rejected .
20 One year after the New Jersey factory closed , Raybestos Manhattan began talks with the IDA about setting up in Ireland , but a senior Raybestos Manhattan vice-president ‘ categorically denied ’ any connection between the two events .
21 But a senior BR official said he was ‘ completely satisfied ’ with the clerks ' reaction .
22 Initially , Bosnian Moslem troops were blamed , but a later UN report said that the convoy had been caught in crossfire between Serb and Bosnian forces .
23 A 68 put Ballesteros safely through to the last two days but a distressed Olazabal , despite a 69 , faced an anxious wait to see if he would make the cut .
24 But a big NME ‘ must do better ’ to the 3,788 entries that believed cute , foppish Lancastrian Stuart Maconie to be Irish !
25 But a jovial Alwen , who is believed to have put £1 million into the move , said : ‘ Do n't worry , it 's all cosmetic .
26 But a stronger Ravenna drawing-card , at least in the tomb department , is that of Guidarello Guidarelli .
27 After all , we were no ordinary family , but a clan : I was told by my mother always to hold my head up high , and remember that I was not only a MacLeod , but a double MacLeod — MacLeod being also her maiden name .
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