Example sentences of "but by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister understand that the arrogance and insensitivity of his hon. Friend , who has not agreed to a meeting for about four months now , has been noted not just by Mr. Johnston but by every farmer in the north-east of Scotland ?
2 These awards are won not just by those responsible for export sales — although their contribution is very important — but by every employee in the business .
3 The conditions which have initiated and sustained the Uprising have been characterised not by subversive money but by a lack of money …
4 Not by a character , but by a building .
5 His voice is so quiet that the words seem to be spoken not be Ali , but by a spectre standing right behind him .
6 Well not a phantom lunatic but by a lunatic .
7 They were not , however , modified according to any consistent principle , but by a variety of ad hoc remedies .
8 However , financial advice is not provided by the solicitors who are not registered under the Financial Services Act but by a firm of insurance brokers , Sedgwick , which has a contract with the company .
9 She might think her identity concealed with her tell-tale tresses under the poke of the new chipstraw bonnet , but by a window overlooking the terrace a gentleman stared in horrified disbelief , his once sensuous eyes almost popping from his head .
10 He had been hit , not by the bullet , but by a sliver of quartzy rock .
11 Turning to face her , he was visited suddenly , not by desire , but by a memory , inconveniently intense , of the desire he had once felt for her .
12 He says that the problem was caused not by blockages — which are responsible for most smells on ferries , but by a vaccuum — a one off fluke .
13 The Van Cliburn Piano Competition is the focus of both the cultural and the social life of Forth Worth ; founded not by Van Cliburn but by a Texan piano teacher in honour of the local hero .
14 But by a quirk of technology and accounting practice , business has been more prepared to replace ageing computer equipment than upgrade it .
15 She gets her reply from one of the players : " crablouse " ( said with Creole pronunciation , but by a speaker who anyway has a Jamaican accent ) .
16 When the dispute was eventually resolved in Cyril 's favour , it was not by the Council but by a decision of the Emperor Theodosius .
17 On the other hand , it fits very well with the fact that , while obviously having a relation of some sort with the noun , these adjectives are questioned not by the interrogative word usual for attributive adjectives , but by a word which typically is used to question adverbs .
18 As Fielding has shown ( 1988b ) , what counts as good police work to ordinary policemen and women is not determined by official standards of performance , but by a range of contextual factors .
19 We are Disabled not by impairment but by a range of discriminatory practices which remove or restrict our abilities and limit our opportunities .
20 The conditions under which women , particularly married women , acquire maintenance from the state are determined not by a desire to maintain their incentives to take waged work , but by a concern that they will continue their unwaged work for caring for their families .
21 So that it is a matter most essential to the liberties of this kingdom , that such members be delegated to this important trust , as are most eminent for their probity , their fortitude , and their knowledge ; for it was a known apophthegm of the great lord treasurer Burleigh , ‘ that England could never be ruined but by a Parliament ’ …
22 Nevertheless the conservatives who manned the Juntas were not provincial separatists : they were inspired , not merely by a vague programme of reform on a national level , but by a sense of order that forced them to see the necessity of a central government .
23 Meanwhile the Nazgûl himself goes even more than usual beyond the boundaries of even ‘ romantic ’ humanity : he looks like a man , and carries a sword , but it is a ‘ pale ’ or insubstantial one ; he bursts the Gate not only by Grond but by a projection of fear and dread , ‘ words of power and terror to rend both heart and stone ’ , which work like ‘ searing lightning ’ .
24 These differences are better explained not by that kind of analogy , but by a recognition of the complex history of the text within the history of an ancient tribe — a history that is sometimes romanticized , sometimes idealized , and in which past and present are sometimes confusingly mixed .
25 Herr Katzner , head of conservation , describes the damage as considerable , but by a miracle it was not worse .
26 But by a miracle he had not been killed outright , and was saved .
27 But crucially ‘ Dialectics ’ was not organized by any political group , as such , but by a group of psychiatrists including R.D. Laing and David Cooper .
28 By early in the seventeenth century several of the states of Europe — France , England , the Dutch republic , Venice — already had permanent diplomatic representatives more or less securely established in Constantinope ( though the English and Dutch ones at least were for long concerned above all merely with the fostering of their countries ' trade : the former continued to be paid not by the British government but by a group of merchants , the Levant Company , until as late as the 1820s ) .
29 All these soil-inhabiting creatures have to breathe , not with lungs like us , but by a process called diffusion through their porous skins or through special breathing pores .
30 The transformation of postwar industrial cities was driven not by some abstract historical force but by a combination of private investment decision and state action .
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