Example sentences of "but on [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One can argue with Czerny 's and Hummel 's metronome markings , but on no grounds can they be dismissed as irrational .
2 ‘ That study was based not on preconceived notions but on the observations of structure in the drawings themselves .
3 The " public interest " is a value judgment , and the ethical impact of the Act depends not on the law of libel , but on the values of the press .
4 In the side-streets running down towards the river theatregoers are looking for parking-spaces , but on the pavements there 's no one but a few belated bureaucrats like myself , heading for trains and Tubes .
5 That may turn out to be the case as the likes of Ferrari , Williams-Renault and Benetton-Ford get into their stride later in the season , but on the streets of Phoenix , Senna had no trouble in scoring his 27th win .
6 A purist could argue that it was class and function that set these store owners up for assault , but on the streets , in the full fury of those 48 hours , stretching from the mid-afternoon Wednesday verdict in Simi Valley , any Korean would have been fair game .
7 But on the streets the book 's reputation spread like wildfire , selling thousands of copies in Brixton alone .
8 Bonfires are built not in people 's backyards but on the streets outside their doors .
9 His country may be taking the first steps to a market economy , but on the streets there are remarkably few cars .
10 But on the streets of County Durham , not to mention the beaches at Redcar , mushy peas once reputedly mistaken by a top politician from the south who did n't know better as avocado mousse are still top nosh .
11 But on the ramparts nothing appeared ; when the Collector tried transplanting weeds , bushes , vegetation of every kind , within a few hours everything had wilted .
12 In March 1306 , Robert Bruce was crowned King of Scotland at Scone , so King Edward I again set out to meet the challenge but on the sands of the Solway , he died aged 68 , on 7th .
13 These taxes are levied not on particular households or firms but on the goods they buy or sell .
14 The argument rests no so much on the supposed responses of individual readers , but on the effects of institutionalising an exclusive teaching of the great works of English literature .
15 But on the terraces of Hampden Babylon Johnstone 's lesson will never be fully imbibed .
16 Within six weeks their most aggressive rivals had a new de Chavigny campaign under way — and not on the drawing-boards , but on the pages of every major magazine in the country .
17 And I think if , and I know it was agreed at group leaders meeting , that if we could find a way that Mr could be paid these erm , allowances , it would be important to allow him to pursue the work which is being done on that committee , and I would hope that we might all agree to the recommendation , and that is when he 's on the steering group , it 's attendance erm , full attendance and er travelling , but on the others , travelling and subsistence .
18 Most of them were used to paying regular visits to the friendly neighbourhood pawnbroker , but on the objects they brought to him they could not expect to raise any great sums .
19 This is because it does not depend on the source from which the language as an object is drawn but on the learners ' engagement with it .
20 In Britain , most juries would find it depraving and corrupting to solicit members of the public to become voyeurs of an actual rape , murder , and dismemberment , but a new criminal test based not on the effect of the work , but on the circumstances of its production could provide one more useful link in the chain of criminal provisions which modern media law requires .
21 The columns are ornamented in geometrical designs but on the apses , domes and walls are depicted biblical scenes with the Christ Pantacrator , apostles and saints .
22 Our arguments are based not only on our national interest but on the risks we perceive to the competitive position of the Community as a whole .
23 I did n't want to get into soap opera conversation about it with him , but on the occasions that we did talk about it , both of us felt that someone , with perhaps a little more eye on reality , would have realised that he should have been in hospital and not at home unable to reach oxygen .
24 but on the occasions that we are concerned with none of The Society 's locos had been in steam so therefore can not be blamed for the incident .
25 Most of the time it was rigid and still under the hot sky but on the occasions when it swayed , though no one noticed a breeze , there was a tiny ticking noise of brittle head against dry stalk .
26 Yes but on the trains you 're stuck .
27 Buses are running smoothly this evening , if somewhat slowly , but on the trains from Paddington to Oxford you 'll find a delay of about twenty minutes this evening .
28 He heard him speak some words , but he could n't make out what they were ; he then saw him bend and kiss her , not on the cheek but on the lips .
29 If he kissed Cora-Beth — not on her cheek as was his custom , but on the lips — would he feel that same passionate desire he 'd experienced when he 'd kissed Madeleine that night in the schoolroom at The Grange ?
30 In Buxtehude for example , an attempt is made to calm the car across a broad area using a battery of devices , providing the driver with an unambiguous message that he or she is welcome , but on the terms set by the residents .
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