Example sentences of "but do [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 And I think you find it goes beyond drama school , in say a company like the RSC , where we have the top person in voice but do not have the equal in physical advice and guidance .
2 In Britain , Courage brew Miller Lite under licence but do not have to reveal the ingredients .
3 Most worrying are smaller companies which borrowed heavily but do not have big banks behind them .
4 Students take a broader view and aspire to western brands as ‘ 'part of the future better life ’ but do not have the money to make the transition .
5 A more sophisticated form of level two is the coalition , where partners work together for some common purpose but do not have an identity of interest or concern and where one or other of the partners may withdraw leaving the other partner(s) to continue .
6 Express Services say that the device — a speaker which is sensitive to sound and movement — is ideal for those people who want the deterrent of a loud bark , but do not have the time or space for a real guard dog .
7 They are intended to assist groups at local level who wish to make some contribution but do not have time to study the Lineaments and respond to all its questions .
8 The Trobriand Islanders , studied by Malinowski , are matrilineal , but do not have either a totemic structure or totemic rituals .
9 2 ‘ Internal capitalists ’ are senior executives who work for a single firm , but do not have a substantial ownership stake in it .
10 If local authority members are responsible for providing services but do not have to go to their own electorate to raise the money to pay for the services , they have less incentive to make effective use of these funds .
11 The Central Association can also assist staff who wish to become more actively involved but do not have a formal branch of the Association .
12 The now highly developed Access Course programme and the newly introduced Evening Degree Programme provide wide opportunities in higher education for an increasing number of students who wish to enter higher education but do not have the traditional entry qualifications .
13 The restrictions often affect the most vulnerable people — people who badly need a job , but do not have the qualifications to get one in , say , ICI or the Department of Trade and Industry .
14 Nominated care judges have the same jurisdiction but do not have as wide an administrative role .
15 Do n't cut down on the amount you drink as you need a regular amount of liquid , but do n't have too much after teatime .
16 This chapter includes several suggestions for growing suitable plants for pressing in your garden , plus plenty of ideas if you would like to grow plants but do n't have the luxury of a lot of space .
17 Apart from programs designed for vertical markets or specially written for a particular job , most of the products you 'll find are ‘ pen aware ’ which means they can recognize a pen as both a mouse and an input device , but do n't have any other facilities to take advantage of the pen .
18 My mum 's attitude was " You can have boyfriends , but do n't have boyfriends " .
19 Come and see us now and then , but do n't have us on your mind .
20 ‘ We 've been doing M&A for years but do n't have the same profile as others because we do it for private clients who just want to sell a company or buy one . ’
21 ‘ I have always been interested in woodwork but do n't have the artistic skills or patience to make fine furniture , ’ he said .
22 Those with a recent interest in politics , who found the election interesting but did not have a general interest in politics at other times , gave PEBs high ratings for usefulness on leaders , issues , and voting choice .
23 ‘ Voters liked our message but did not have the confidence to make the change , ’ one said .
24 Mr Fractor turned red but did not have the time to answer because the basket was back beside them .
25 ‘ I had lost the will to live , but did not have the means to end it . ’
26 I have represented both approaches simplistically , to draw out the contrast specifically because it seems that Howard favoured both approaches , but did not have the experience of both to see the contradictory implications .
27 They knew a dehumidifier was the answer to their problems but did not have the funds to buy one .
28 So Murdock received a gift of 20 guineas ( £21 ) but did not have his wages raised .
29 Beckford was as impatient as Vathek to complete his building , but did not have a magical assistant ; the tower twice collapsed , for the last time in 1825 , and Beckford 's contractor confessed upon his death-bed that he had not provided it with foundations , although they had been specified and paid for .
30 The court set aside the committal ‘ on all those three grounds ’ ( see p. 624 ) , but did not have to consider what would have been the position if only the third ground had been substantiated .
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