Example sentences of "but they [was/were] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Although Noverre did not specifically name them he described these dancers ' particular characteristics as having similar physiques and technical expertise as the danseurs classiques but they were not always so well-proportioned and usually possessed a natural sense of comedy .
2 The majority of victims were Jews but they were not alone — as many as 4,000 gypsies may have been killed there in one session .
3 But they were not used to wandering by themselves , in the manner of the later homeless children .
4 But they were not deprived of children .
5 ‘ They were very negligent but they were not criminally negligent , ’ said one barrister .
6 He said no staff had been suspended , but they were not being paid .
7 Forty policemen were drafted in — just in case — but they were not needed .
8 But they were not deemed fit for home consumption .
9 They were very fey little songs and they were very pleasant , but they were not earth-shaking .
10 But they were not nabbed , and the warning was extended by a week .
11 The Flank Companies of the 1st Guards ( Grenadiers ) certainly later reinforced the Coldstream and 3rd Guards but they were not part of the original garrison .
12 Here they met with a better reception and Leverburgh was renamed in his honour , but they were not continued after his death in 1925 .
13 They were not alive , but they were not dead enough either .
14 To the waiters standing about it seemed to be perfectly stationary , but they were not members of the Chop Society and it was not their table .
15 In Johansson 's model , this option produced lower emissions , but they were not low enough .
16 ‘ This family has always been poor , but they were not slaves , ’ the old woman almost shouted , snatching back the photograph as if Martha 's impious fingers would stain it .
17 On the Continent , station architects tended to be more restrained than their English-speaking colleagues , more prone to arches than towers , but they were not unaffected by the new aesthetic and clung to it longer .
18 The results , obtained at considerable cost , were full of interesting facts but they were not always very conclusive .
19 But they were not remainders from the massive output of BBC Enterprises .
20 Several other players , most notably Mo Johnston and Paul McStay had performed well below expectation but they were not keepers and somehow their footballing impotence was glossed over .
21 But they were not sufficiently close to sustain Cockburn 's analysis , particularly in the field of urban policy and the management of local communities .
22 There must have been a proportion of shy , bashful ones around , but they were not in evidence amongst the mob which harassed us day by day as we tried to make our way around the town on our own affairs .
23 But they were not the greatest : the mechanical acoustic early warning device of Alexander Graham Bell ( his first essay in telecommunications ) is rarely heard nowadays .
24 Previous generations may also have felt a passing pang of regret as they allowed the younger generation to take their place , but they were not subjected to the pressure to stay young which affects men and women of forty or fifty today .
25 One grandmother in this position wrote , ‘ I thought they were lucky to have me , but they were not grateful at all .
26 She scanned the small platform for those two familiar figures , but they were not there .
27 But they were not allowed to build towers , and so churches , which genuinely represented the spiritual aspirations of the age , also fed their sense of personal achievement and of the needs of their communities .
28 Whilst dressing the models she tried to chat to them and ask how they had come by their jobs but they were not very forthcoming .
29 One of us was uneasy , even though they were not able to explain why , but they were not the one with final responsibility .
30 Refugees were seen as deserving sympathy and help , but they were not to be pampered .
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