Example sentences of "but it [modal v] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Our local representative will make every effort possible to allocate separate beds when this is particularly requested but it may on occasion be impossible .
2 Thus an ordinary adjective like that underlined in ( 18 ) : ( 18 ) the black parrot soared up through the jungle cover certainly may be restrictive — there may be other parrots of other colours which do no such thing — but it may at least as easily be intended non-restrictively .
3 This is often regarded as a minor energy consumer , but it may in fact represent a significant proportion of the total electrical load in a laboratory .
4 Drink , you ca n't see it if you put them in water , you just know the water 's gone but it might of evaporated .
5 Well , another few weeks in prison wo n't make much difference to your brother , but it might to my niece .
6 But it might to someone else .
7 The general had in turn given him a picture of their problems with the Yugoslavs in Venezia Giulia : " General Harding was convinced that he could force out the Jugoslavs in their present numbers but it would of course entail an operation of Importance .
8 The joints have gone and this wanted doing but it would of been extortionate she said , you know , to get it done
9 Getting moving here wo n't mitigate the despair ; but it would at least show some capacity to think beyond the sourly inescapable .
10 Getting moving here wo n't mitigate the despair ; but it would at least show some capacity to think beyond the sourly inescapable .
11 But it would at least ensure that Britain had a more broadly-educated elite — and more broadly-educated political leaders .
12 But it would at least offer a chance of a positive political development .
13 This would not end the wars , but it would in effect be a declaration from the Israelis announcing that whilst they intend to fight to keep the disputed territory , they are nevertheless admitting that their right to it is no different from that of anyone else , and until the world produces some better way than fighting , this is how they will-operate .
14 But it ought at least to inspire both the Chamberlains and some others as well .
15 Probably having keys would bee greeted with horror by some , but it ought to be possible to rationalise the finger holes .
16 It may not be a legal partnership , but it ought to be one ethically .
17 The Sports Council will await Universiade GB 's concurrence with the deal before nominating their man , but it ought to be one of their members with business acumen — which means either David Simon of BP , who is most unlikely to have the time , Raymond Michel , formerly with a distillery , or Norman Jacobs , a partner in one of Britain 's largest firms of solicitors .
18 For me , I think the last paragraph in my paper in the Speaker of the week before last [ ‘ Shadows of the Hills ’ ] was pretty good ; but it ought to be in verse .
19 But it ought to be easier .
20 The Health and Safety at Work Act has made us rather more concerned about smells and bangs and the dangers these cause , so perhaps life is a little bit less smelly than it was , perhaps a little less exciting , but it ought to be a little longer too .
21 no , it were n't , should n't of been on fire , but it should of been warmish
22 she just been over some house in Trafford Road and er , I think she left some , some by there by what she said or to who , who it were , but it must of been them who put them onto us , because she come in
23 Now , according to Lorenz , the dichotomous distinction between instinctive and learned behaviour can not be made for development , but it can for adaptation .
24 But it can at least hope it will not be handicapped by its inability to control events on its own side of the frontier .
25 The West may be reluctant to become involved in the fighting but it can at least leave Belgrade in no doubt that the price of aggression will be diplomatic and economic isolation .
26 Second , he continued , life was indeed bad — but it used to be much worse .
27 It might seem churlish to ask for flavour as well as the chance to save the planet , but it used to be there before the planet needed saving .
28 The price for the first seems high and for the second low for a house with six acres and a lodge , but it used to be the headquarters of British Coal 's opencast mining subsidiary , which can not have done it any good .
29 But it used to be different then … there was n't no atmosphere like there is now and there were n't no fence around the London Road like now …
30 But it used to be called a ragged school .
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