Example sentences of "but give [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 BY THE time they got to Woodstock they might have been half a million strong , but give them a few days in the mud and they 'd soon wandered off into an acid daze looking for luxuries like a toilet , somewhere to sleep and a decent tofu burger .
2 But give them a solid economic recovery and they 'll forget it ever happened . ’
3 I 've never seen the sort of breathtaking squalor I witnessed there but give them a day when their neighbourhood is shown to be worth the world running through it , gratefully accepting water and candy from them at the roadside , and it 's amazing the way mutual mistrust can disappear .
4 Divert children , in a sense , but give them a feeling of power at the same time .
5 But give me a chance .
6 ‘ We 're really very busy at the moment , but give me a ring tomorrow in my office and we 'll try and make a date ’ he said feebly , hoping his lack of enthusiasm might act as a deterrent .
7 ‘ I 'll tell you , Lynn , but give me a drink first . ’
8 But give me a bit of time and I 'm sure I can find some cogent motive to pin on him . ’
9 No , but give me a chance just to have a
10 Doing fair copies of written work , infrequently and not as a punishment , can be useful ; but give it a real purpose .
11 Maybe all that happens now is that you feel tired , but give it a year or two and — ’
12 You may not listen , but give it a thought . ’
13 We 're closing soon , but give us a chance , OK ? ’
14 But give us a good meal first , wo n't you — I have n't had good home-cooking for … for two and a half days .
15 When the ‘ Wolf ’ catches her he may obey the laws of the game and avoid physically hurting her , but giving her a momentary fright is a legitimate part of the game .
16 But giving it a good clean out and getting
17 He does n't come up to the desk straightaway , but gives me a nod and starts looking at the flowers , really closely , like he really knew about them .
18 before a final all-embracing italicized section , looking back in its typography , placing , and , most importantly , its rhythm , recalls the opening nursery rhyme chorus , but gives it a universal voice which seems to include all that we have heard before in what is now a ritual chant ending with an appropriately childlike sound ,
19 His new Food and Beverage Manager appears to accept the idea as theoretically desirable , but gives it a low priority in practice : privately , he has been urging Winter to ‘ crack the whip a bit ’ , arguing that the whole establishment needs ‘ a good shake up ’ before reforms can be introduced effectively .
20 I refused but gave them a couple of biscuits and to their delight took their photographs .
21 Hailed as a modern masterpiece , it drew on the basic elements of nineteenth-century picturesque — towers , pavilions , arches , and vaults — but gave them a distinct Scandinavian feel and line , the spirit of the sagas , as embodied in the gigantic statues at the entrance .
22 I rumpled his dark curly hair but gave him a firm ‘ No ’ when he asked , ‘ If I play radio louder , me get better more quickly ? ’
23 But gave him a £150 fine and a 2-year ban .
24 He looked surprised to see Cassie standing by the front door but gave her a friendly wave and began to walk up the path .
25 ‘ Elise was delighted I rang , but gave me a terrible dressing down for not ringing before or sending a postcard .
26 He first embarked on an Open University degree in the technology faculty some ten years ago , but gave it a rest for a few years before starting in earnest in 1986 , in his second year at Wedgwood .
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