Example sentences of "but now [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Barbara Goodwin , who after reading P.P.E. , obtained her D.Phil at St. Antony 's , is also still in her original post , but now as a Reader , in the Department of Government at Brunel University .
2 But now through the light of Mohammed , I am not subject to this city ( the world ) that is passing away .
3 But now under a new law motorists face fines of up to £2,500 ( plus three penalty points ) for each illegal tyre on their car .
4 Many of the Kemsley provincial papers were still in the same group in 1987 as in 1947 , but now under a different owner .
5 It stood way up Brandon Hill in a rambling garden that in summer was full of overblown roses , but now under the dying rays of a winter sun , was a ruin of dead leaves and straggling yellow grass .
6 But now under the Countryside Stewardship scheme the emphasis will be on benefitting wildlife .
7 A famous lintel example is the Porta Saracena at Segni , originally part of the city wall , but now about a mile outside the modern town up on the steep hillside .
8 At 97 , my mother still grows kidney beans , but now on a small scale .
9 And guess who 's started showing up , intermittently to begin with but now on a twice-monthly basis .
10 Unfortunately for all rhinoceros species , their horns ( made of thousands of tiny hair strands within , covered by a keratin layer ) are dangerous , not only to would be predators , but now to the rhino themselves .
11 But now to the future and the Five Nations Championship where the Irish are quietly confident that , with a virtually unchanged squad , they could well be highly successful .
12 In the distance she heard a car engine , normally a sound which compelled curiosity but now of no interest .
13 Ruth Hilali , who 's fifty and formerly from Worcester , but now of no fixed address , is charged with stealing more than six thousand pounds from the Kurdish Refugee Association and making a false statement to obtain a passport .
14 A charming white house , originally thatched , but now with a red , pantiled roof , is at least 400 years old , and said to contain some fine old beams .
15 The Whigs , the party of reform , were back in office , but now with a promise from the King to create as many peers as might be needed to secure the passage of their Bill .
16 But now with a look at the weekend 's sport , here 's Tim Russon .
17 But now with a look at the weekend 's sport , here 's Tim Russon .
18 But now with a fifty billion pound deficit to contend with the Chancellor is expected to see VAT on books and newspapers as a useful source of income .
19 English was elevated through being imbued with the kind of cultural authority previously invested in classics , but now with the addition of a powerful national dimension that yet somehow transcended nationality .
20 So Schwarz was left alone as almost the only supporter of string theory , but now with the much higher proposed value of the string tension .
21 Sometimes I used to be lonely and unhappy , but now with the baby my life is complete .
22 I was going to have it altered , but now with the baby it would n't fit anyway .
23 ( WES ) But now with the Friday sport , here 's Tim Russon .
24 But now with the sporting action from the weekend , here 's Tim Russon .
25 Later on a poet with real soul , but now with the Friday sport , here 's Tim .
26 The Davies ' sold the share to Brent Walker Group , but now with the help of property , hotel and distribution partners have bought back the business .
27 She had laughed then at the vivid imagination of the child , but now for a brief moment she saw the city as Maggie saw it , basking in the first rays of the sun and oblivious to the dangerous mist below that might suck it in before it could wake up and take wing against the now blue blue sky .
28 But now for the first time the diocese was being consulted — informally , quietly , but systematically .
29 But now for the first time she recognised the chill of fear .
30 I think once more , but now for the last time , I 'm going to turn back again to the preface to The Reason of Church Government and whoops and read you one more sentence erm in which he is apologizing once more for having entered the fray , the political fray ‘ But although a poet , soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , might without apology speak more of himself than I mean to do , yet for me , sitting here below in the cool element of prose , a mortal thing among many readers of no imperial conceit , to venture and divulge unusual things of myself , I shall petition to the gentler sort it may not be envy to me . ’
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