Example sentences of "from [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So with humanism more generally and more radically : it is not to be imitated , not modified , not simply borrowed from or differently applied ; rather , its appropriation and transformation is conditional upon its negation , the using of it destructively against itself .
2 What to do in terms of scripts , what do we physically have here that we 're going to read from or not read from as the case may be .
3 A disciple is one who learns from or voluntarily follows a leader .
4 Communication will have failed if the listener does not discover which platform the train leaves from or how to load the program into the computer .
5 Consequently , it is possible to identify types of information that are needed by language processing systems but are either absent from or wrongly presented within the dictionary .
6 Hence experience and type originate together : the individual can not endow experiences with meaning without types , yet types are constituted from and through lived experience ( see Rogers 1981 : .
7 A clash with Constantius II was inevitable and Magnentius prepared for this immediately by raising a large army with substantial aid obtained from and freely given by the provincials , especially those in Gaul and Britain .
8 Where did they all come from and where did they go ?
9 Well that 's the sort of composition which immediately begs the question where do these salts come from and where do they go to ?
10 For that all-important post-race feast ( or perhaps it will be just a meagre affair ) be aware of where the carbohydrates are coming from and maybe increase the volume .
11 It enables different theories to be understood in a historical , chronological sequence , one set of theories developing from and often criticising previous work .
12 It is at this point that the analogy between anorexia nervosa and hysteria , which Freud saw as separate from and possibly opposed to the obsessional neuroses , seems to break down , along with Dally 's separation of the two as different forms of the disease .
13 Make the test pages an accurate reflection of the sort of work that you will be sending and take the time to explain what they contain , where the files come from and always include a laser printed proof .
14 It called out in alarm , turned , raced back to where it had come from and then disappeared .
15 finished from and then had to start looking again for a job .
16 It has been produced by CICO , the chimney linings service , and describes how a chimney works , the typical problems it will suffer from and then offers various solutions .
17 They provide about 80 per cent of total lending for private house purchase , though this figure has fluctuated during the 1980s as banks entered , retreated from and then re-entered the mortgage market .
18 We all sat down together again and chatted in general about falconry , and in particular about equipment and how to put it on correctly ; how to hold the bird properly ; different methods of training a bird ; the various illnesses and complaints they suffer from and how to cure them ; and simply how to take good care of birds .
19 That is , ‘ where do the good rugby players come from and how do they become established ’ ?
20 Where did the idea come from and how did it relate to their developing interests , understandings and skills ?
21 Simple things , such as : sorting out looing routines ; how to use the local launderette ; finding out where all the allowances come from and how to get them ; sorting out local tradespeople ; sorting out dustbin collections , milk deliveries , a doctor , a chemist ; and so on .
22 The injection of considerable sums of federal money into many American schools in the 1960s , together with the programmes and methodologies that resulted , arose from and sometimes led to the conclusion that change in education was primarily a matter of provision .
23 In the ommatidia they occur as proteinaceous granules in the pigment cells surrounding the crystalline cone and retinulae ; they are distinct from and sometimes masked by the ommochrome pigments that may also be present .
24 Those who then sat the exam were instructed to put on their application forms that they had studied the course privately , so the fact that they had studied from but not paid for the Henley course would not be traced .
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