Example sentences of "from [pron] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The strong ‘ New York Mix ’ , with its vocals that shimmer through in a Robert Owens-style haze , is a step up for dub house garage and is matched by a gently acidic , dubbier epic and a ‘ Detroit Mix ’ with an intro and a forest of familiar sounds from someone heavily influenced by the dextrous inventions of Derrick May .
2 Napoleon III 's ministers had worked hard to bring about the visit — not merely because it was in support of the Emperor 's policy but also , it was hoped , to distract him from his privately announced intention of himself going to the Crimea .
3 As we all hastily undressed , Geordie was happily acknowledging the cheers from his newly acquired fans who , judging by their enthusiasm , appreciated Geordie 's special features .
4 The experts have only to accept that the joint sessions also used groups of models kitted-out for each occasion by Rembrandt from his well stocked theatrical wardrobe and used them for painting as well as for drawing , to come to realize that their efforts over the last seventy years have been largely misdirected .
5 And so , as Beardsley wheeled away , Kendall made a point of moving towards the touchline , from his previously obscured position , to join in the celebrations in full view of the Goodison crowd .
6 The social welfare and material benefits which the imperialist state could grant to workers in Britain and Germany at the turn of the twentieth century allowed capitalism to survive because it divided Third World workers from their similarly exploited , if differently rewarded , working-class brethren in the industrialised centre of the world economy .
7 Holmes was addressing those who traced their roots back to the Puritans : ‘ We must not forget that our fathers were exiles from their dearly loved native land , driven by causes which no longer exist .
8 She expects to find Minna and Becky sitting in a huff in the coffee lounge , keeping as great a distance as they can manage from their ridiculously costumed sisters and brother-in-law .
9 Some visually handicapped children will overcome their difficulties so well that they are indistinguishable from their fully sighted classmates , but the effort needed may have a cost for them that is not always appreciated .
10 EXTREME : ‘ Stop The World ’ American AOR studs split a track from their recently released triple album ‘ III Sides To Every Story ’
11 Markedly smaller than smallest Curlews , from which also distinguished by faster wing-beats , distinctive tittering trill and at close range by two dark and one pale stripes on head .
12 Massive build and wide span of very broad wings distinguished from all other large brown birds of N W Europe except Golden Eagle ( p. 79 ) , from which best told at all ages by wedge-shaped , not square , tail and at close range by legs being only half-feathered .
13 A wanderer from the south to Egypt and Sinai , rather shorter-winged and darker than Griffon , from which readily distinguished by white-speckled upperparts and three striking broken white horizontal bars on underwing .
14 Smaller and less variable than Desert Lark , from which readily distinguished by dark bar at tip of shorter tail .
15 With enormous natural resources , including more arable land than the whole of Western Europe , it is rapidly diversifying its agrarian economy , while , from its firmly established industrial base , it has pushed up its exports to record levels of about US 24 billion dollars .
16 from its neatly twisted stook .
17 The attraction between the conjectured planet and Uranus was to account for the latter 's departure from its initially predicted orbit .
18 As the Japanese mainland became increasingly cut off from its far flung empire in the later stages of the Pacific War , Japanese control in Southeast Asia weakened .
19 In these languages , the fourth person refers to ‘ a person or thing distinct from one already referred to by a third person form ’ .
20 A campaign , supported by well known people outside the trade union movement , is planned for next week , separate from one already launched by the unions and another started yesterday by the TUC .
21 The forms are more crudely simplified than in Cézanne , and while there is the same sensation of recession that one gets from Cézanne 's paintings , as one 's eye moves from one clearly defined plane to another , Braque 's paintings are composed in such a way that the feeling of depth is very restricted .
22 He must have learnt a great deal from Thomas May , and from him also acquired an enthusiasm for pottery , but he was quick to grasp the crucial principle that the changes in the form of some vessels was due to a chronological development , an idea that had eluded May , who never rose much above the level of that of ‘ an indefatigable draughtsman ’ , as his Antiquaries ' obituary rather dismissively calls him .
23 Penalty goals two and three from him duly followed to counter one from Liley for the Tigers .
24 Graham shoved Laidlaw away from him then turned to Sabrina and untied her hands .
25 Sophia noticed that the tall handsome priest sitting over the other side from her also bought a great many of the little bottles .
26 Last week I received three letters from her all addressed to the Commando area in the South of England and forwarded to Normandy .
27 Lady Henrietta knew what was right : everything about her was right , from her tightly bound dark hair to her dark-blue satin slippers .
28 Choose your gifts from our carefully chosen selection .
29 That there must be such an imbalance follows from our consistently maintained position that the rational man can never rise above his spontaneous inclinations , merely learn to choose rationally between them .
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