Example sentences of "but [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 If , on the other hand , I am in my early twenties and my parents are in their forties and one of them dies I will grieve in the same way , but am likely to be taken unawares and be unprepared .
2 In its healthy state it will harbour millions of bacteria , known as resident flora , which are not only harmless but are essential to the proper functioning of the skin .
3 Protestant opposition to integrated schooling is sometimes heard in the North , particularly from the fundamentalist camp , who not only fear catholic infiltration of state schools but are opposed to anything other than Bible protestantism in religious education .
4 Those who want to be paid-up , signed-up members and those who for one reason or another do not actually want to become a member but are keen to be kept informed , involved and used as the occasion demands .
5 The squares circumscribing the triangle do not mesh conveniently in the plane , but are critical to the formation of the three dimensional octahedron .
6 Consideration will also be given to the nature of culture and of civil society , of the domains of everyday life which are to be distinguished from ‘ economic ’ and ‘ state ’ spheres , but are crucial to the constituting of state and economy .
7 The changing costs of capital and labour will result in industrial structural changes creating an acceptable society which has come about through the operation of market forces and not because powerful interests have adopted particular technologies which suit them but are detrimental to the interests of weaker groups in society .
8 These methods were developed to aid the physical mapping of the fission yeast S.pombe ( 1 , 10 ) but are applicable to other hybridisation data .
9 In the first , nervous disorders are just an additional cause of absenteeism , but are unrelated to the type of job .
10 Attitudinal justifications and criticisms are not to be seen as epiphenomena , tacked onto some more basic psychological predisposition , but are integral to attitudes qua attitudes .
11 Fuels made from biomass , like ethanol , from sugar cane , are used in Brazil and a few other countries , but are subject to shortages , sometimes because of drought .
12 Standard national and international codes exist for many of these but are subject to revision every few years .
13 All of us in the European socialist movement in the European trades union movement insists that employees are not just units of production , but are entitled to rights at work across the European community .
14 Buddhists , indeed , have insisted that there is nothing supernatural about such enlightenment : the visions , ecstasies and other alternative states of consciousness experienced by an adept are not a meeting with an alien , divine reality but are natural to the human condition , even though most people have not developed this spiritual potential within themselves .
15 The first satisfaction of indeterminist claims , including those , like the present one , which are not within but are antecedent to the traditional area of dispute about Free Will , is of course that they leave , or promise to leave , room for a reassuring or enhancing view of ourselves and our situation .
16 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
17 Although Uzell reckons there are no real dominant players , he divides the competition into four main areas : computer vendors , such as IBM Corp and ICL , which he reckons have the geographical scope and financial muscle to deal with the global demands of systems integration projects , but are unlikely to be independent , are often too hardware-oriented and lack the relevant software expertise ; management consultancies , such as Arthur Andersen and Price Waterhouse , which he believes do have the necessary business knowledge , but generally lack implementation skills and have little experience of large-scale project management ; telecommunications suppliers , such as AT&T Co and France Telecom , which again he reckons are too hardware-oriented and short of software skills ; and software houses , such as Electronic Data Systems Corp and Cap Gemini Sogeti SA , which he recommends for their independence and expertise , but feels that few are international enough or have the necessary financial clout to handle large deals .
18 scope notes on the other hand , may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index .
19 Host : Domestic dog and wild carnivores Site : Lung parenchyma Species : Filaroides milksi F. hirthi Distribution : North America , Europe and Japan The worms are very small , slender , hair-like and greyish , and are not only difficult to see with the naked eye in the lung parenchyma , but are unlikely to be recovered intact from the tissue .
20 Ideally , we should not need others to point this out to us , but be alert to our own capabilities and ready to use them in another context .
21 They lived by a simple code : do what the hell you liked , do it together , but be loyal to the King Rat .
22 Outlining the decree , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , Commander-in-Chief of Commonwealth forces , said the fleet 's military operations would remain in CIS hands , but be subordinate to Mr Yeltsin , and that all financing would come from Russia .
23 Outlining the decree , the Commander-in-Chief of Commonwealth Forces , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , said the fleet 's military operations would remain in the hands of the Commonwealth of Independent States , but be subordinate to Mr Yeltsin , and that all financing would come from Russia .
24 Outlining the decree , Marshal Yevgeny Shaposhnikov , Commander-in-Chief of Commonwealth forces , said the fleet 's military operations would remain in CIS hands , but be subordinate to Mr Yeltsin , and that all financing would come from Russia .
25 Such analysts point out such a refusal of the ‘ great narratives ’ and the ‘ foundationalisms ’ took place , not in the past decade or two , but were integral to the very rise of modernism itself .
26 The basal serum gastrin concentrations ( ng/l ) were increased in the H pylori positive patients with DU ( median 57 ( range 13–103 ) compared with the H pylori negative healthy volunteers ( 20 ( 10–40 ) p<0.01 ) but were similar to those in the H pylori positive healthy volunteers ( 48 ( 37–95 ) ) ( Fig 1 ) .
27 Overall , the sense was that women were subordinate to the masculine culture of work but were central to the world of the family .
28 As reported in last week 's Herald and Post , results of the tests showed that the creatures present in the water sample were living , but were harmless to humans .
29 It would seem in this case that her unusual behaviour patterns and impaired development were not a product of personal inadequacy , but were due to her restricted early experiences and minimal human contact .
30 The traditional Conservative cry against the nationalised industries thus had some plausibility for anyone concerned with a correct allocation of investment resources in the economy : though it should be remembered that the electricity boards were ( unlike private industry ) not in general free to invest as much as they wished at low rates of return , but were subject to annual quantitative limits agreed with the Minister .
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