Example sentences of "but [conj] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You could go through again and you could put sodium instead of that M G but where you had things like M G O H twice you 'd just have N A O H so you 'd have a have to do a little bit of changing about .
2 But where you sees two for the price of one , you 're effectively gon na be getting a fifty percent
3 Never try to force it , or you will cast anywhere but where you want to .
4 But it seems it 's not the hair which offends , but where you grow it .
5 Cohesive markers are not always necessary , but where you find sentences without evident markers , it may be useful to inspect them closely to be certain that the relationship with the preceding sentence is sufficiently clear .
6 This is the same as the main route until you come to the Great Moss area , but where you cross over the River Esk , continue to follow the river to its source at Esk Hause , where you rejoin the main route .
7 But once you had found mutual ground for trust , responded to his dry humour or enjoyed his sometimes wicked pranks , the friendship could become deep and permanent .
8 There was something about cutter work — glamour , adventure , battling the elements , or just plain escapism — call it what you will , but once you had experienced it you had great difficulty in settling down to the more prosaic existence ashore .
9 And w would that be the talk about the door but once you had the door off .
10 The approach work is always quite nasty , but once you get into it the experience is very pleasurable .
11 But once you get down below the horizon you get to look round this area here where there 's some rope tangled round , some kind of padding , it does tend to get a little bit lost amongst all the pebbles .
12 You 're not making a fortune at first , but once you get it going
13 Once you can get people in you know , you got ta attract them in , but once you get them in they 'll
14 You get the first week will seem a bit strange but once you get the first week over you 're alright then .
15 No , but once you get yourselves decorating and you 've put your things out anyway
16 I said well what you do in your private life it 's up to you if you want to get drunk and you want to spend money then that 's fine but once you step over that clock tower I said and you start interfering with my work it 's a different thing , I said well I 've and I 've just said nothing because although you ai n't worked right , at least you 've sort of you 've work in this factory sort of in the morning , you 've got over it but
17 But once you break that down and start to have lots of small independent production companies , then you find very many larger numbers of women and everyone can choose who they want to work with .
18 The performances may sound hoarse , and limited in range ; but once you 've heard them , you find them running through your mind .
19 But once you 've experienced the peace of mind that this insurance gives you , we 're confident you 'll want to continue with your valuable protection .
20 The passcode system 's a welcome addition and the joystick on the control panel which mimics your movement 's also a nice touch , but once you 've played it for five minutes you 'll have seen everything the game 's got to offer !
21 I love playing lead myself , but once you 've heard what Lloyd and Quine can do , there 's no way you ca n't use it !
22 But once you 've finished , take our three steps to total recovery .
23 But once you 've got there , you do n't have to play down the big moments , or play up the character scenes , because it 's all so perfectly balanced . ’
24 But once you 've established yourself , made some money , you can come back and take her away with you . "
25 An arts student may have no arguments either way ; they 've just heard of this mystical thing called Science , but once you 've been doing Science , you realize that a statement like that just does not hold water , and so it enables faith to come far more easily .
26 It might be a bit awkward when you start off but once you 've done it a bit it gets easier .
27 Of course that is n't really allowed , but once you 've got back as a ghost , there 's not much anybody can do to stop you .
28 I 've no idea how much they cost , but whatever 's left over will go towards the kitchen scissors — rather mundane I know but one of those things that 's not exactly necessary but once you 've got it you ca n't do without !
29 Mixing up bottles of formula , on the other hand , sounds fiddly , but once you 've got the hang of it , it 's really quite straightforward .
30 Many paddling pools can also be used as sandpits , but once you 've filled your pool with sand , you 're unlikely to want to take all out again to make it into a paddling pool for the afternoon .
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