Example sentences of "but [pron] [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But nothing is simply given and immediate .
2 I have fiddled about with bits of cork but nothing is really satisfactory .
3 I have fiddled about with bits of cork but nothing is really satisfactory .
4 The summer promised to be delicious , but nothing is ever perfect .
5 But no-one 's yet sure how it will handle .
6 But no-one 's ever put me under pressure .
7 It was a good knock about but no-one is any the wiser at the end of it .
8 ‘ They say that he is very tall and very thin , but no-one is really sure , ’ I said .
9 But everyone is just trying to cope the best way they can with the injuries before them .
10 cos you 've got an opinion and you 're gon na stick to it but everyone is totally different , everyone 's got a totally different view on things .
11 He said : ‘ There is no doubt that they have to consider the possibility of closing the fund , but his is not what they want to do .
12 This is similar to ‘ Futility ’ in the sense that Owen uses personal experience to get his message across but his is not so much about the pointlessness of war in general but is more focused on the individual soldier and the difference between death on the battlefield and death in your own town .
13 Paul is a lawyer other lawyers love to hate , but his is only one of a number of Yorkshire law firms that are sending a chill down the back of the London legal establishment .
14 But yours is much better , Sister Dew , ’ said Sophia nobly .
15 but yours is much nicer .
16 I do n't know how you all managed to worm your way into our confidence , but someone 's already taken care of one of your friends , and the other will be lucky if he lives until his trial . ’
17 , but someone 's already told him .
18 , but someone 's already told him .
19 Now , as far as the Catholics are concerned , I have to say I like the people very much but theirs is not a faith I could accept myself .
20 He has made mistakes , but nobody is more committed to opening up Australia 's still-stuffy economy .
21 and the best thing is that nobody 's doing it , everybody 's doing cabaret spots along the line jokes and stuff like that , but nobody 's not doing cabaret spots with trumpets
22 And he has a son , but nobody 's ever seen him !
23 I could , I , but nobody 's ever suggested that before .
24 Well no , no , erm but would n't know if you saw one , you people only tell us but , but nobody 's ever seen a ghost in there so
25 'E 's a good pair o' lungs , ’ she smiled , ‘ but 'e 's not very big . ’
26 It is hard to put a value on a company which has large assets and turnover , but which is barely profitable , and it could be that BAe found the price it had to pay for Rover just too good to refuse .
27 Should Amis 's friendship with Larkin — which goes unstated in Amis 's fiction , but which is not absent from it — matter to the reader of that fiction ?
28 No doubt you can think of various acts which are crimes in this country but not in other countries ; and of behaviour which is against the criminal law of other societies but which is not criminal in Britain .
29 This would replace the present Lord Chancellor 's Department which administers a very substantial budget , but which is not directly accountable to the House of Commons .
30 Your conception of pains which are not yours is not a conception of something which is like your pain , since it hurts , but which is not one of yours .
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