Example sentences of "but [pron] [adv] think " in BNC.

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1 Minnie did not attend the wedding but everyone else thought that Helen was a beautiful bride .
2 But everyone still thought we were being stupid and wacky , so we 've given over .
3 But everyone still thought we were being stupid and wacky , so we 've given over .
4 But I rather thought , you know , if you would n't mind , we might go to Treptower Park . ’
5 We landed Phil at Yarmouth , Isle of Wight , to receive a mild rebuke from the Senior Naval Officer about lack of communication and swanning around without lights , but I rather think that Phil gave as good as he got .
6 Yes , they were appointed by the County Council so I sup and er I , I rather think that they , we never got paid but I rather think th they 'd have to pay the Council something for the midwife 's services .
7 These were the deep furrows etched in the sand to help the Nairn transport , but I rather think more so to help the pilots of the period to find their way across the route from Rutbah Wells to Damascus , or indeed from Baghdad to Rutbah Wells .
8 But I rather think my modest , high-minded , fastidious , idealistic wife has a long way to go before she qualifies for that description . ’
9 I knew the attraction was very serious , but I also thought you were experienced .
10 His colleague Dr Freer-Smith said , ‘ in many areas of West Germany there is evidence to link specific pollutants as a major causal factor ; but I also think the Germans would accept that there are both natural and pollutant stresses interacting — the idea that has been referred to as the multiple stress hypothesis . ’
11 Beardsley would be my surprise choice for England 's game in Santander next Wednesday , but I also think there should be a place for Wright .
12 My instinct is to believe that those who defend the autonomy of their particular " level " are right to do so but I also think that our present state of knowledge is insufficient to permit us to understand satisfactorily how this level autonomy comes about .
13 I think there are a number of counselling services available , but I also think it 's very difficult sometimes for women to get there
14 And I know it 's important to be equal in careers and to have equal opportunities and I 'm not arguing against that , but I also think that perhaps , in doing so some women also lose the pride in being a woman , and e equality is n't being a man , which I think some feminists take that view , that they 're not equal to a man unless they 're earning money .
15 negative and excluding people , but I also think that labels can be very , very positive and very , very important and that 's , I think that 's why erm , people thought up the word feminism and yeah , okay we have to think about the word and we have to think about what it means for us so yeah , a lot of pe , er people do n't want to call themselves feminists because the label has such negative connotations , but it does also mean very positive things , it 's a way of bringing people together , it 's a way of supporting each other , it 's , you know it 's , brings solidarity to the movement and people need labels .
16 I said no , she said you wo n't leave the union will you , I said no , she said alright we 'll buy one at Haydock , still in the Lancashire region and the reason why the union is my second love , obviously my first love is me family , is what it 's done for me , but I also think what I 've done for those people who represent me and yourselves in Parliament .
17 But I also think that the optimism is justified , because of several new developments .
18 erm but I also think , I also find him to be exceedingly critical of the figures that he looks at just like he was very critical of Woodrow Wilson .
19 Of course the authors are right to list the goals — from equal pay and opportunities to equal political and civil rights — that have not been reached , but I also think that many feminist ideas have entered the mainstream .
20 I am sure it will but I also think that it will take sales away from the bigger , but less attractive 5-Series .
21 But I also think that er the Community Charge as it is being brought in is probably being brought in too sharply which means that it is n't actually taking account of some of the marginal cases where people are going to face a very steep increase in Community Charge bill , er and the Community Charge itself is rather a blunt instrument .
22 ‘ I did notice the changes , of course , but I just thought the old lady had had the house done over for them — the parents .
23 But I just thought my mother wanted to be specially nice to me .
24 ‘ Well , that too , but I just thought it would be nice to have actually met a member of the family , even if you did n't know who he was .
25 And then they say , Well the guy he 's next door I do n't know him but I just thought I 'd put him on .
26 Erm but I just thought that it is appropriate in the circumstances because we have basically provided this facility , that there should be erm
27 So the public do n't do that but I just thought I 'd like to show you how how .
28 ‘ I had a feeling that you might say that , but I just thought I 'd better check it out .
29 But I just thought , you know , it 'd be nice to give it because they have been , I mean they 've been really helpful and
30 I do n't know , it 's temporary job , I know someone that might be interested , I think I know what it is but , but I just thought I luckily we wo n't mention it again .
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