Example sentences of "but [pron] will [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant , though the endless peeing , he wrote , the endless getting up in the middle of the night when the ice clung to the windowpanes and the taps were frozen , that was more unpleasant than pleasant , but it was not that , he wrote , these things - will not change , my bladder will not improve and next winter the ice will still cling to the panes and the taps will still freeze , but I will not notice them .
2 I am 22 , but I will not be able to earn my first salary until I reach 24 .
3 ‘ I could not help recalling , ’ Sir Maurice Hankey , the Cabinet Secretary , wrote in his diary in September , ‘ that on the last day of Parliament Mr. Baldwin had walked across the yard outside [ the House of Commons ] and had said ‘ I will do everything I can to help the Government in making economies , but I will not enter a Coalition Government . '
4 But I will not mention here every group or Asian immigrants in Britain , nor analyse every family structure , but present what the Asian women I spoke to told me about their feelings and situations .
5 But I will not enjoy it and I have an infection . ’
6 But I will not be ordered this way and that , she said , I will do the work in my own time , as I choose , for my sister has no right to treat me like a maid , to give orders and expect me to run her errands .
7 But I will not be tied down .
8 ‘ I 'll still be out on patrol , but I will not be dealing with quite so many front-line incidents .
9 ‘ It 's a big game for me , but I will not be overawed as I 'm not the nervous type .
10 But I will not rest until I ensure that this never happens again to other young people .
11 I have to take it and live with it , but I will not allow it to undermine my confidence . ’
12 I have not your inches , laddie , but I will not tolerate a dirty ceiling ! ’
13 But I will not have forgotten how to listen in Greek ? ’
14 ‘ I do n't know all the answers , ’ Emily said fiercely , ‘ not yet but I will not let us sink , I will not . ’
15 But I will not surrender the safety and the security of the British Constitution .
16 I adore music , but I will not try that .
17 But I will not look up from the tray until I have it safely landed on the white plastic table .
18 ‘ I am sufficiently stupid to have put up with all that for a time , but I will not be cuckolded by a duck .
19 ‘ I am bigger and stronger than you , but I will not start the fight .
20 I need your discretion , yes , but I will not have you brought into needless suspicion or danger upon this account .
21 But I will not have idols in the house . ’
22 Perry offers to buy me a drink , but I will not give him the satisfaction .
23 But I will not humiliate myself by trying to justify what I do .
24 I do n't know what maggot has got into her head , but I will not dance to her piping , any more than you .
25 But I will not be held hostage by Lucker 's desire to glow and simmer into the night .
26 But I will not listen to any more of your rotten insinuations about my mother .
27 ‘ Millstreet would also be a good idea — everything is in place — but I will not be applying for it .
28 But I will not let the difference in setting impair my judgment when I watch the plays in the church hall . ’
29 They want you to carry on as normal , but I will not do that at all .
30 But I will not .
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