Example sentences of "but [adj] [conj] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Unenthusiastically , the men shone their torches around the couplings and flexible connections , but each and everyone of them was aware of the overpowering feeling of evil .
2 This is exactly the message that fairy tales get across to the child in manifold form : that a struggle against severe difficulties in life in unavoidable , is an intrinsic part of human existence — but that if one does not shy away , but steadfastly meets unexpected and often unjust hardships , one masters all obstacles and at the end emerges victorious .
3 The rule was that as a member in good standing of another church ( and I was a member of the Presbyterian Church of England ) one might do so on a temporary basis ; but that if one found oneself doing so for any extended length of time , one should ask oneself whether one should not be confirmed .
4 It said that he had a big problem he did n't want to bother me with , but that if anything happened to him , I was to pass on this envelope to you .
5 The kitchen was draughty but warm and everyone would be pulled close to the fire , enjoying a moment 's rest before preparing the evening meal .
6 But more than anything else women produce the labour force — sons .
7 But more than anything she ‘ does ’ with her voice , it 's something clotted , intractable , something inconsolable within its fabric , that holds and entrances .
8 Soper was displeasing to the Free Presbyterians for a number of reasons — his commitment to ecumenism , his left-wing politics — but more than anything it was his rationalism which provoked the ire of conservatives .
9 Adaptation to Roman society and culture ; doctrinal self-definition , and organizational solidification : the century and a half after Constantine 's conversion was all this ; but more than anything else , it was the time in which Christians learnt to live in the new conditions of their existence .
10 But more than anything else Sarah craved for even a glimpse of Angel .
11 He had moved out to escape distraction and improve on the bad lighting , but more than anything he wanted space , so that he could draw from a model occasionally .
12 There was occasional boredom , people came and went , there might be a technical hitch but more than anything there was a fascination with the moving pictures and that , of course , was the essence of the experience .
13 But more than anything it 's the climate that could see Ireland suffer in the initial stages .
14 But more than anything else , it meant superiority .
15 This morning she had been pale , still , but cheerful as anything .
16 ‘ The police eventually came along and escorted him away , but other than everything else was fine .
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