Example sentences of "but [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of its production , Diaghilev was convinced that another truly Russian ballet was needed , traditional in essence but reflecting the revolutionary ideas of contemporary artists working in Russia as well as Paris .
2 He compares three studies , carried out respectively in 1949 , 1972 and 1983 , but reflecting the educational and social conditions of well before those dates .
3 One further dimension to such a system is the possibility of " networking " a number of micros This involves the interconnecting of micros which retain their full power as independent computers but gain the additional ability of communicating with other computers in the network and having access to common files The result is analogous to a minicomputer with a number of terminals but with the big difference that each of the micros has its own processing power instead of sharing that of the mini .
4 A story which focuses on those aspects of ‘ family ’ , which family photography has deselected , but transforms the ordinary things every mother has seen — a wet bed ( as above ) , a bloody nose ( ‘ Emmett 's Bloody Nose ’ 1985 ) , candy cigarettes ( ‘ Candy Cigarette ’ 1989 ) into a technically and philosophically complex narrative .
5 30 June 1989 found most of the battalion not on guard in bearskins and tunics , but enjoying the last day of a fortnight 's shooting on the ranges at Salisbury Plain , on ISAAC .
6 First is a simple reductionist view , which would neglect the way in which culture not only shapes but constitutes the vast mass of human behaviour .
7 The choice of subjects to study — systems of domination , collusion and exclusion — may be value-laden ; but given the wide-ranging dispositions of elite studies , it seems best characterized as the favoured method of anti-utopian ‘ realists ’ , whether of the left , right or centre .
8 But given the volcanic climate of November 's stars , something fairly dramatic and transformative is about to ensue .
9 Again there are too few patients who fall into the category of significant changs in body weight to permit valid conclusions but given the limited information , this did not seem to influence these results .
10 Er , but having said that I mean I have a sweet five year old daughter and I would n't change her for anything , but given the second chance I would n't do it again .
11 That it never seems boring is due first , of course , to the richness of the youthful Mozart 's music ; but given the fantastical convolutions of the story even that might not be enough .
12 But given the fixed level of those overall resources , the inevitable result has been a reduction in resources for the remainder of the school population .
13 I admit they will find that something of a puzzle , but given the low critical standards of provincial audiences , they might hit upon the felicitous conclusion that she choked while in the midst of an exaggeratedly hilarious response to that pathetic farce .
14 But given the recent decline in numbers of tenured black academics , falling Ph.Ds , retention , enrolment , and grade point averages among black students , and a decreased political commitment to their education , there are unlikely to be widespread , long-term improvements in black students ' , professors ' , and professionals ' positions in psychology .
15 Sceptics may baulk at such an idea , but given the attested presence of such equally implausible-sounding objects as a block of portable eighteenth-century soup ( ex Captain Cook ) , Inuit seal-gut underwear , African cobweb hats and other equally exotic objects , the concept of dressed fleas may seem more acceptable .
16 There 's no hit here , but given the right bullshit production she could stick out the next ‘ Damn I Wish Etc ’ .
17 Certain people ( and presumably certain cats ) are more susceptible to stress than others , but given the right external environment , even the most phlegmatic individual would eventually succumb .
18 I do not know whether that is a serious matter , but given the right hon. Gentleman 's experience and standing , I should have thought that the Opposition Front Bench spokesmen would take careful notice of what he says .
19 But given the dumb actors portrayed , there seems to be a clear need to draw distinctions between , at one extreme , the cat and the chicken and , at the other , the sea anemone and the mud-dauber ; despite the fact that for many readers , ethologists included , the wasp 's habits will be the most intriguing of all .
20 More sophisticated and complex computer models of the heroin ‘ epidemic ’ can be constructed to produce precise estimates for the future , but given the many untestable assumptions of ‘ epidemic ’ models ( particularly those based only on figures for known users during a relatively short time period , as in the present case ) , we did not attempt such an exercise .
21 It was never a question of somebody saying ‘ we have a depression , let's give them depression movies ’ but given the new dispensation it was Hollywood 's instinct to come up with just that added edge that the age required in its films .
22 In 1964 , when Pople left the UK for the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh , as it was then called , his departure inspired one popular British newspaper to the headline Another brain down the drain , but given the lamentable levels of financial support by successive UK governments for the theoretical research in which Pople was to excel , it is unlikely he could have achieved so much without moving .
23 But given the necessary criteria , that the puzzle should be impossible but after all possible , it is hard to see how anything better could be contrived .
24 It was unclear whether Japanese armed forces would be developed significantly but given the covert encouragement given by General Willoughby and others to Japanese defences — of which the Soviet Union could not have been unaware through intelligence activities — disquiet was bound to increase .
25 But given the greater semantic generality of typical Arabic conjunctions , what does an Arab translator do when faced with an array of explicit conjunctions in the source text ?
26 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
27 But given the democratic revolution on its own doorstep , the Soviet Union is now distanced from its long-time proteges .
28 There is now some research being done on local languages in the university , but given the complex pattern of languages , especially with widespread population movement , and the cost , it seems unlikely that the government 's policy on the official medium of instruction will be changed .
29 But given the current mood of the Cabinet on public expenditure , only projects with a thumping and tangible economic return seem likely to get through .
30 But given the current high levels of unemployment Clinton must be right to take positive action .
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