Example sentences of "but [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But Jan said it was better working than sitting at home watching the dust settle , even if it was working with a bunch of loonies .
2 But Pascoe found her a great deal of help in restoring his rather worn manly pride .
3 But Nicandra knew he would stay with her .
4 But Venutius opposed her and civil war broke out with husband and wife leading the warring factions . ’
5 He was going to take a leak on the girl , but Amelia pulled him out of the circle with a cry of ‘ not on my carpet ’ .
6 That took some planning but Kelly loved it . ’
7 His tone was without menace , but Lisa sensed he did not believe her .
8 The government 's already got rid of a minimum wage in industry , but farmworkers say they must be treated as a special case .
9 " Few at the moment , but money buys us a lot of friends .
10 But money brings yu down
11 But whisky turned him into a savage bully .
12 ‘ On what list ? ’ blurted Karen , but Jessica pulled her roughly by the arm , towards the knot of people gathered at the square steel entrance to the boat .
13 She reached out to Sarah longingly , trying to hold her hand , but Sarah thrust her away , unmoved by the quivering lips and tear-filled eyes her rejection caused .
14 Sarah 's flatmate Lucinda Craig Harvey recalls : ‘ Diana hero-worshipped her but Sarah treated her like a doormat .
15 ‘ I suppose you 're very experienced , ’ she said apologetically , but Sarah took it as a question .
16 The Braun Independent heated up very quickly , but Sarah found it tricky to use the tong without the ends of her hair having a kink .
17 Mm I think I but Sarah did it at work , she did it sort of plaited it from here round
18 Well they check a number of things , but Sarah do you know what they 're looking for ?
19 She started to tuck the bedclothes more closely around her aunt , but Sarah pushed her away .
20 Hunting has now been banned , but experts fear it will take many years for their populations to recover .
21 But experts said it was not toxic .
22 When the Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) first screened the videotape of the Dec. 14 demonstration on state television in June [ see p. 37544 ] , Mladenov denounced it as a " slanderous montage " , but experts ruled it authentic on July 4 , whereupon Mladenov in a nationwide broadcast declared that his remark had been taken out of context , and that he should be judged by deeds not words .
23 Fiona Ray , who has Down 's Syndrome , was sure she could win the tough Duke of Edinburgh 's Gold Award , but experts doubted she 'd do it .
24 The film makers say it shows routine insensitivity to livestock , but experts say they 're wrong .
25 He was the epitome of conservative respectability , but Patrick knew he had a hand in some of the most hairy activities of the secret intelligence services .
26 Sir Henry was very unhappy about this , but Holmes asked him to help us by doing everything Holmes ordered him to do .
27 Early in a career it may not be the engineer 's responsibility to provide the answers to these questions , but inability to discuss them with those who have that responsibility will result in the engineering dimension being omitted from the discussion .
28 But Nutty believed him , and the consequences of the turn of events gradually came home to her , and her face , instead of lighting up with joy , dropped with dismay .
29 But Nutty says they 're going on with it , whatever happens . ’
30 But Ferguson insists it is not too late for United to get back in the hunt .
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