Example sentences of "but [Wh det] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , we need to know far more about those numerous families which moved from the countryside but which experienced only a hum-drum life in the towns or at best only a modest prosperity .
2 Though this is good news for American and Japanese firms , who share a paltry 11% slice of the luxury market , it is disastrous for European companies which account for the remaining 89% of sales ( see chart on next page ) , but which sell nearly half of all their fancy products in America or Japan .
3 The public facade of the mass ceremony and the individual uniform concealed the blemishes , organizational and material , to which civilians were not privy but which bore heavily on the ordinary constable .
4 By the late nineteenth century there were two main groups of Welsh cattle : the short-legged , heavy , compact Anglesey mountain cattle of the north and the taller , longer-bodied , larger and rangier Pembroke types of the south ( including the Castlemartin and Dewsland breeds ) which had something of a tendency towards the dairy type but which fattened well enough in due course .
5 At the chilly boarding-school to which her parents sent her in the mistaken belief that she would be less lonely among girls of her own age , the prizes for mathematics — a subject which she did n't particularly care for but which came easily to her — were framed reproductions of the works of Italian painters .
6 She nodded slightly , and he bent his head to give her a kiss which was meant to be fleeting , but which went on and on until they were breathless and shaken when he put her away from him at last .
7 It should also be apparent , though , that there is a variety of other behaviour which is outside the rules and standards of society but which does not break the criminal law .
8 Teachers of media studies criticise the exclusiveness of the traditional literature canon to which students are often forced to pay lip-service in examinations but which does not engage their imagination as films do .
9 You have to start from a pain of yours and conceive of there being something like this which hurts but which does not hurt you , and also that there could be something which is like you but not you for such pains to hurt .
10 A second way in which Lakatos 's methodology could conceivably be supported is as follows : The methodology might serve to identify a programme that received strong support from the scientific community but which does not conform to the methodology of research programmes , and this identification might subsequently lead to the novel discovery of some external cause , such as the intervention of some government or industrial monopoly .
11 Firstly , there is the immediate cause , which is necessary to bring about the specific instance of conflict but which does not provide the sufficient conditions for conflict in general to occur .
12 In this endeavour , NTT , which has four important R & D laboratories but which does not itself manufacture telecommunications equipment , is assisted by a number of Japanese electronics companies .
13 It is the position of the adjective which instantiates a property explicitly assigned to the entity already identified by the subject of the sentence but which does not take part in identifying that subject .
14 So we 've tried to set the duty at a level which makes it clear to those who seek to commit financial crime that they 're more likely to be caught but which does not impose additional reporting burdens or costs on those who conduct their business honestly and that is a most important balance to strike .
15 You can use DATA in conjunction with READ to include data in your program which you may need to change from time to time , but which does not need to be different every time you run the program .
16 Which , thinks Howard , may not sound much like a compliment — but which sounds considerably more like a compliment than anything else Phil has ever said .
17 Having satisfied herself , she slipped into a tight calf-length dress which had a strap over the left shoulder but which fell away to the right of her body , leaving one young breast exposed .
18 This helped to alleviate the dreadful nature of the houses , which looked shocking from nearby , but which looked oddly bright and distinct and well-intentioned when glorified by mass and distance .
19 There was even a well equipped playground which could have been dropped into any English park almost unnoticed but which looked rather incongruous in the centre of a Mexican prison complex .
20 Sometimes you get signs and portents which the quacks ca n't fathom , but which go down like markers for middle-age .
21 Realising that her crossness with Vendelin Gajdusek had been short-lived and had quickly faded , Fabia was left to worry about Cara , and Barney , and the interview which by rights should now be over , but which had n't begun yet .
22 She was kept on bed-rest , and an angiogram was taken which showed that there was blood seeping into the brain from aneurysms which Rose had in fact probably been born with , but which had not caused any problems previously .
23 ( Private radio had been introduced by a law passed in August 1987 but which had not come into effect until Oct. 6 , 1989 . )
24 The Robbins proposals , however , pointed towards a system of CNAA tutelage for those institutions which might have university aspirations but which had not , like the CATs , yet earned their spurs .
25 These were followed or interspersed by a windswept Starmer-Smith standing on the touchline , microphone in hand , sporting a selection from his extensive wardrobe of scarves and neckties , and promising delights which were sure to come next week but which had unaccountably failed to materialise this week .
26 Beyond the houses the lane became a rough track crossing a bridge towards the forestry development , climbing up through the young trees of the forestry and out on to open country towards the summit of Shunner Fell , where , after much bog-trotting and splashing about , we hit the line of ash palings that had been laid down here to stop further erosion of the Pennine Way but which had very largely sunk into the bog .
27 President Bush for his part stressed the importance of progress under the bilateral Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) talks , the third round of which had taken place on Feb. 22-23 between US and Japanese trade officials , but which had so far produced little concrete progress toward the elimination of what the USA termed Japan 's unfair import barriers .
28 Here again I respectfully agree with the observations made by Lord Donaldson M.R. , at pp. 324–325 , and by Neill L.J. , at pp. 326–327 , when rejecting the proprietary argument , which had not been advanced before Wright J. but which had rightly to be considered when it was put forward for the first time in the Court of Appeal .
29 A happy precedent already exists : three years ago the Academy agreed to abandon a series of spelling changes that it had proposed in 1975 , but which had never found their way into common usage .
30 Nearly crash car again , as I pass what looks from the road like a progressive-minded chemist , but which turns out to be a printer 's shop .
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