Example sentences of "but [subord] you [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 You could go through again and you could put sodium instead of that M G but where you had things like M G O H twice you 'd just have N A O H so you 'd have a have to do a little bit of changing about .
2 But once you had found mutual ground for trust , responded to his dry humour or enjoyed his sometimes wicked pranks , the friendship could become deep and permanent .
3 There was something about cutter work — glamour , adventure , battling the elements , or just plain escapism — call it what you will , but once you had experienced it you had great difficulty in settling down to the more prosaic existence ashore .
4 And w would that be the talk about the door but once you had the door off .
5 He said it took about a month to get all the alcohol out of your system but once you 'd done it , and this was his main point , you suddenly realise that , for the first time for years , you can see the world like it really is . ’
6 But once you 'd lied — even if it were only by implication or simply by failing to deny something — you were forced to go on lying .
7 I was nervous for the first few missions — but once you 'd done it you could cope .
8 But once you got the bone , you take it home , bake it , dry it well , and break it up into powder .
9 That 's right and put your paddle in that and you scull you had to come down every time and many a time people 'd learn that that paddle will come out , but once you got the knack of it you could do it one hand , cos you was cutting down all the time like that 's what it was .
10 But once you got there and got stuck into the work and
11 But once you got well into the business of the removal , y one forgets , you see , and you forget exactly what you 're carrying or what it appears to be that you 're carrying .
12 Oh , it was great to have clothes to wear again , real clothes , beautiful clothes , clothes that had been created with genius and handled with adoration , shy , deceiving little artefacts that seemed just lengths of cloth but once you possessed them would flow over your body like enchanted water and transform you into something magical .
13 round the barrel about three times round the barrel then right down into the chain locker but if you kept , let it ride what we used to call let it ride well well now it get so big then you have to run it all off cos you had one lever , that 's what you had and the steam valve could have all steamed .
14 Imagine your response if , when you were depositing funds in a building society account , your attention was drawn to the fact that if you died only the original investment would be returned , but if you lived you would keep all of the interest .
15 But if you thought about the order that you test , then , if something does n't work , you may only have to go back a few steps and re-test .
16 But if you made a bad decision , or gave the wrong judgement against someone in a dispute , then some of your people might suffer . ’
17 But if you made a list of the things that are known about Matthew , it would be very short : first , he was one of the twelve apostles ; second , he had been a tax-collector ; third , when he was converted , he gave a party for all his old friends ; fourth , there is a gospel which has his name on it .
18 But if you made it law that the breweries would lose their retail outlet and the publican and barman would lose their licences , you 'd soon find they make time and make staff check up to see if people were drunk .
19 But if you murdered Mills it would have a certain logic , would n't it ? ’
20 T. D. You could always have a cigarette if you wanted it but if you got caught , you were in trouble .
21 But if you got somebody strange , you 'd say , ‘ Would you mind opening your case ? ’
22 But if you got it you might find it would be cheaper to do your house up using these clients rather than sell .
23 But if you got that for this place and I sold my apartment , together we 'd have enough money to get married and buy — ’ He broke off , a flush appearing beneath his tan as he realised he was pushing her too far along the relationship path and could also be sounding mercenary .
24 If you 've got a guy gathered , I 'm not saying try but if you got somebody who , who did the job and gathered it in like they would do .
25 But if you went and called . ’
26 But if you went over the hill , after school time , then you were in for a fairly rough time the other end , you were challenged and all sorts of things .
27 Experience may help you take some of these into account but if you went for a fixed fee you may have to pitch it at such a level to allow for these that it 's perhaps twice what it might be and you could lose the client .
28 But if you went in the horse box on your single you 'd be all day getting there .
29 no , but if you went to Woodthorpe Junior School there 's a good chance my dad hit you with a plastic ruler .
30 Also I think you 'd find that the erm er although , now I 'm suggesting you do this , but if you went through the Independent and you counted the erm number of different words the total vocabulary , I think you 'd find it 's many many many many many many many times bigger than the
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