Example sentences of "but [subord] it do " in BNC.

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1 A further situation might arise , however , in which the defendant alleges belief in consent on the basis of the victim 's consent to penetration but where it did not occur to him that she might not understand the nature of the act , although the risk of this was quite obvious .
2 It seemed improbable that the fine hot weather should continue right through the summer , but so it did for most of us .
3 No one had a drink before the food arrived , but once it did the wine flowed freely : the best lambrusco , the best fortana and finally the moscato , a sweet , white , generally fizzy wine made with selected muscatel grapes .
4 A song may be at number one , but if it does n't ‘ feel ’ right for Radio 1 , it wo n't be playlisted .
5 But if it does , I 'm against it .
6 I hate asking favours of anyone , especially you , but if it does come to that — if your sister gets the police on my trail , do you think you could let me know ?
7 Most modern aquarium equipment no longer has an earth wire , but if it does , you must make sure you wire it into the earth terminal .
8 Like everyone else , I 'd played the ‘ It wo n't happen to me , but if it does … ’ game , and had envisaged , in the case of breast cancer , dying intact , yet there I was , rushing round the taverna looking for a scalpel .
9 But if it does n't happen there is no way Lewis will be deflated .
10 But if it does n't happen there is no way Lewis will be deflated .
11 In the best teams , this sort of thing rarely happens , but if it does , a collective effort is made to put it right .
12 Counselling may reveal turmoil and bring it to the surface , but if it does , that turmoil will have existed long before the commencement of the counselling process .
13 But if it does develop into open scandal I suppose someone eventually will have to deal with it .
14 No one yet knows if this sort of thing happens in a dying brain , but if it does , it might actually explain how many angels can dance on the head of a pin .
15 But if it does n't ease off , or if it gets worse , you must see your doctor .
16 I do not know if elegans shares the interesting ‘ primitive ’ features of livingstonii — it is certainly quite similar in appearance — but if it does then perhaps we have here a group of fish descended from ancestors which stopped off on the way to the rocks , and which did not need to evolve the specialisations needed in the more-densely populated and competitive atmosphere of the rocky zones .
17 Thirdly , the Act clearly adopts as the test of danger either ‘ the greater risk of harm ’ or ‘ the risk of greater harm ’ : an elephant may not in fact be very likely to get out of control and do damage , but if it does so , its bulk gives it a great capacity for harm .
18 But if it does not exist , it does not exist ; it does not have the property " of non-existence .
19 Because , look at , I 'm not , you know , I 'm not er gon na even talk about the disaster at airport things , you know , the taking off and landing , if you 've got a stadium nearby with a lot of people in it , and one of these disasters happened to happen , I know we 're not looking for that , but if it does , you 're gon na have a stadium full of people if a plane comes down , well , you know .
20 But if it does n't ? ’ asked Charlotte in a flat and weary tone .
21 Heaven has not issued any press releases , unless the Pope ( who is against the Gulf war ) knows something we do n't , but if it does , God will certainly disclaim responsibility for the most irresponsible war of the century .
22 It may well fall off , but if it does fall off and everything gets back to normal it 'll grow back again .
23 So you know , nothing might come of that but if it does erm I would be very keen to actually er the , the plan was to second a member of C S M T for six months to do it , and I would be very keen to do it I must admit .
24 I 'm in America with someone that I like , you know , sort of , but if it does n't work out , that 's too bad .
25 We hope that it will never occur again , but if it does , may we have clear guidance so that those outside the House will know that if the police warn that it is unsafe to come into the House the Division either will or will not be extended ?
26 Okay then , welcome to everyone , and er hopefully a few minutes but if it does
27 The consumer will be informed to keep the product away from his eyes but if it does get in the eyes , to wash them out and seek medical advice .
28 But if it does it will prolong the life of a sufferer
29 The odds against it happening are astronomical , but if it does , then so are the winnings .
30 The future of the museum and art gallery wo n't be decided for some time , but if it does win through , its battle for survival will become part of the history of the town itself .
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