Example sentences of "but [det] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The agent , a good one , reported that the affair was n't quite as dramatic as first accounts had suggested and had been on a far smaller scale , but that students had definitely been involved and at least one of them appeared badly hurt .
2 But that things making like when you go out
3 In contrast to these results , Slobin and Welsh found that a child was able to imitate one of her own utterances immediately after she had produced it spontaneously , but that errors occurred when the child was asked to imitate the same utterance some minutes later .
4 but that teachers looking for a kicking
5 Holye suggests that traditionally the individual teacher has enjoyed a high degree of autonomy in the essential professional activity of teaching , but that teachers have had relatively little influence over the broader aspects of school life because of a very limited involvement in decision making ( management ) .
6 This is just , I 'm not going to through these exercises , this is an exercise on the apostrophe to show , not possession this time , but that letters have been left out of words .
7 To dispel the myth that AIDS is a gay disease you argue ( The Politics of AIDs NI 169 ) that the disease has been around ‘ from the very beginning ’ but that gays succumbed more quickly than straights .
8 But as a preview , this was her reply when I asked her whether the problem was , not whether women needed more education , but that men needed educating about women .
9 One such difference is that whereas thermometer readings are caused by the temperatures they signify ( that 's what correlates them ) , with bees and honey it 's the other way round : what correlates them is the fact , not that honey makes bees , but that bees make honey — the sign causes what it signifies .
10 The student must understand that nobody likes the reduced ‘ g ’ sensation at first , but that individuals differ in their reactions to it .
11 He said 87 people had died in the past two months — but that deaths occurring on the trek to the camp were not being recorded .
12 The results of behavioural surveys have been mixed , with the pattern of activities more varied than in traditional streets , but few residents encouraged to go out more .
13 But few miners believe these figures ( given by the metallurgy minister ) ; if they were true , more than the 19 steel mills closed so far would have been affected .
14 There had always been cities providing a variety of religious , political , and commercial functions but few contemporaries doubted that the industrial city of the nineteenth century was a new phenomenon .
15 Pre-paid funeral plans are standard in America but few Britons have latched onto the idea of ‘ pay now , go later ’ .
16 But few things make as much difference as the paper used .
17 Conversely , if state-owned companies have been offered for privatization but few bidders have come forward , is this a ‘ failure ’ if the firms continue as loss makers in the public sector ?
18 Concern with the nature and structure of knowledge is a continuing if not always explicit aspect of many subjects , but few discussions go beyond the single discipline or field .
19 But few others cry out for recognition .
20 But few engineers subscribe to this theory and at the end of the day it is the hardware engineer who has to ‘ get the thing working ’ .
21 In any one place , the two species gain by resembling each other , because predators will treat them both as the same kind of prey ; but few predators move far enough for there to be any advantage to the Heliconius in looking the same in distant places .
22 Dr Fitzhugh admits that the prices he pays for commissioned prices are well below market value ; but few artists turn down the opportunity for such excellent exposure .
23 Catastrophe is the principal subject of much of the significant art of the present , but few artists have been able to synthesise imagery of this order of resonance .
24 Tremendous publicity was given to the circumstances in which this movie had been made and to the way in which the director had shot some forty reels ; ‘ the eight-hour day for movie fans has not yet dawned ’ was the thankful comment of Robert Sherwood , but few critics doubted that the film conveyed much of the anger , ugliness , and brutality of the novel .
25 Endoscopic ultrasound has been considered the best procedure for assessing the preoperative staging of oesophageal carcinoma but few studies have considered its efficacy in evaluating the response to chemo or radiotherapy .
26 Berwick Bandits 59 Middlesbrough Bears 31 THIS was a bad start for Boro to their double race weekend but few opponents leave Berwick with much to shout about .
27 In sixteen ports employers bought themselves out of trouble with increases for 2,500 seamen of between 5s and 15s a month , but few men came out in support of the national rate except at Liverpool and on the Tyne and the employers then mounted a counter attack , enforcing decreases of equivalent amounts on the north east coast and in Cardiff , Glasgow and Liverpool between October 1899 and January 1900 , using strike-breaking tactics where necessary .
28 But few governments made any systematic or sustained provision for helping young men to travel abroad and gain a knowledge of foreign language and countries .
29 The government denied involvement in Toro 's activities but few observers believed that he had been acting on his own initiative .
30 Several rioters were killed during an attack on a mill using them at Salford in 1812 , but few manufacturers had as yet introduced them , or were intending to in the near future , and disturbances were intermingled with food riots and political agitation .
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