Example sentences of "but [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They pass a stone doorway in the tunnel wall , but by-pass it in favour of a more obvious way out .
2 But sit him in the cockpit of a Stealth Fighter airplane and he 'll whup anyone 's ass ( it 's the rest of the office 's fault for telling him he looks like tom Cruise ) .
3 Several of my scan pictures are backlit against a screen , but mean nothing to my layman 's eye .
4 We should not blame him for being a man of his time but commend him for his remarkable vision and altruism .
5 laughing up their sleeves , ca n't even bloody sell anything , but sell them at a profit .
6 A wise father will recognize the reason for his sons ' aggressive or needling behaviour and remain firm but cool himself without feeling threatened or provoked .
7 How can you change ask , ge get to that , but say it as an open question .
8 These are mainly party intellectuals who still profess communism , but want it to be less centralising and more democratic .
9 For older infants , who are taking some solid food , try cutting out different foods in turn , but replace them with others that are equally nutritious .
10 Carry a small stick , NOT to beat your mare with but tap her on her breast and say ‘ Steady ’ or ‘ Wait ’ or whatever you find effective .
11 I honestly think you could take the same script but reshoot it with women and it would work .
12 Your articles on women and workers make fascinating reading but provide us with little hope that a movement for change is likely to come from these quarters .
13 Yeah yeah but forget it for now .
14 And if you are wise you will never pity the past for what it did not know , but pity yourself for what it did .
15 But send them to the bar for a lager shandy and two halves
16 I will not list Frances ’ numerous qualities but content myself with saying that I know of no one who could fill her position as well as she … ’
17 Gerald of Wales , writing in the later twelfth century , says that the Welsh do not build ‘ lofty stone buildings ’ but content themselves with small huts made of the boughs of trees twisted together . ’
18 Try collecting rainwater — but filter it through charcoal before using it .
19 The Americans came to London and invested large amounts of money in local film production , but put nothing into the creative infrastructure .
20 There is little doubt Brits are among the world 's most powerful boulderers , but put them on anything higher than an average cellar roof and they climb , with very few exceptions , like pumped , nervous and confused lemmings .
21 And finally , the expert again we spoke about that , a good example really is in the computer world where you have individuals who get on really well with computers and programming but put them in a group and they really do n't provide any in fact if anything they take away from the group .
22 But put it on his wife 's plate later without anyone noticing , ’ said Henry .
23 to five p.m. but put it on tape for God 's sake we ca n't stand this you know .
24 McAllister had a great chance but put it over the bar .
25 He did not eat it but put it in his pocket , where it would lie forgotten for months .
26 But put it in a Scotch Whisky bottle , and the tax is 19.81p .
27 In any case , big birds tend not to bother cracking nuts , but swallow them to be pulverised with grit in their muscular gizzards .
28 Many easterners see these ideas as a poor substitute for concessions on trade , but welcome them as a step towards membership .
29 but power us to the next disgrace .
30 They want to hear truths which do not make them narrower but broader , which do not obscure but enlighten , which do not run off them like water , but pierce them to the marrow . ’
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