Example sentences of "but [det] could be " in BNC.

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1 The four broad types I have mentioned account for a very large proportion of governmental activity , but each could be divided up into a number of smaller functions .
2 But neither could be called thirsty .
3 In the absence of theoretical explanations for the underlying mechanisms of continental movement , both views were propounded , but neither could be proved .
4 Le Moignan has talked about retiring in two years ' time , but that could be hastened if there were another loss to Opie , who has made a determined comeback after defeats in the world and British opens .
5 The obscurity of parts of scripture was also a source of embarrassment if one took the books collectively to be the essential medium of divine revelation ; but that could be mitigated by allegory , or by the principle that obscure texts are interpreted by what is clear .
6 But that could be bad .
7 But that could be put right , now , with the traditional builders sand .
8 There is talk of a monument in New York , but that could be a jokey tableau involving Kermit .
9 But that could be about to change .
10 STEVE CAUTHEN collected his eleventh ton at Newmarket yesterday — wearing the maroon livery of boss Sheikh Mohammed — but that could be a thing of the past .
11 But that could be made good , Mendoros reckons , by a joint venture with a well known local aero-engine manufacturer .
12 She was supposed to be suffering from a nervous breakdown , but that could be because the law did n't want anybody talking to her .
13 ( For the present you may have to give up smoking , but that could be an excellent idea in itself ! )
14 But that could be because the tape measures have shrunk , you said ? ’
15 But that could be you kn quite difficult on occasions .
16 It was supported by Lorton 's apparent belief that Dougal had taken the money ; but that could be no more than bluff .
17 But some could be confusing :
18 The more open back bends have limited use , but this could be improved .
19 But this could be serious . ’
20 ‘ Yes , but this could be worse .
21 Between 35g and 50g is the F-Plan recommendation , but this could be lowered a little by those on very low-calorie , short-term slimming programmes .
22 Magazine seems to be upside down but this could be due to position of neck in gutter .
23 The coral does n't seem to gain anything from the relationship ; the gobies can sometimes be seen pulling mucus off the coral , but this could be interpreted as parasitism rather than symbiosis .
24 But this could be justified only if , simultaneously , the same sights were raised to hit European targets .
25 I 'm still pondering it , but this could be my favourite movie of 1992 .
26 But this could be the last tour overseas that we sanction .
27 There is no distinct technology of advertising , but this could be thought an arbitrary objection , especially when the boundaries between media technologies that were quite sharp in the 1940s — between print and photography , or film and TV , for example — were dissolving in the 1980s .
28 When full employment was reached and demand exceeded supply , inflation was likely to follow , but this could be counteracted by reducing demand so that it came back into line with supply .
29 But this could be seen as simply a more than usually coherent version of a familiar Austro-German interpretation of nineteenth century music history , which sets an over-privileged Viennese tradition at its normative centre .
30 But this could be Paul Reichmann 's last roll of the dice .
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